Flight is a Bird’s Greatest Gift – Are You a Gift Giver or Taker?

Flight is a Bird’s Greatest Gift – Are You a Gift Giver or Taker?

Last Updated on October 2, 2023 by Mitch Rezman

Disclaimer. I fully understand if you clip your bird’s wings. Large birds especially in homes with 8-foot ceilings and lots of windows open themselves up to injury from flight. I like flighted birds but what’s right for me in is not necessarily right for you.


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Follow Up on 2 Macaw Deaths
parrot bird sitting on the perch

Follow Up on 2 Macaw Deaths

Last Updated on October 2, 2023 by Mitch Rezman

Dear Mitch:
As you know, one of your Facebook page users, Nikki Moulesong, has alleged on your site that 2 of her birds died from eating Harrison’s bird food. We have completed a thorough investigation and determined conclusively that our food did not contribute to her bird’s deaths.
Our official statement is below, which you are welcome to post on your site.
We are happy to provide the facts to your forum members through our statement and hope that it will counter the effect of her unsupported allegations.


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First Prize Smart Crock Bird Cage Locking Food Dish 40 oz

First Prize Smart Crock Bird Cage Locking Food Dish 40 oz

Last Updated on February 16, 2023 by Mitch Rezman

 Are they acrylic? My b-g macaw ‘throws’ his ceramic dog bowls around on the floor of his cage!!! He also can untwist the twist bottom ones!!!! Need help desperately !!! Would they fit a macaw cage??? Joan
The big birds are tough sometimes.
These dishes may help. They come in several sizes, this is the largest one. 40 oz

First Prize Smart Crock Bird Cage Locking Food Dish 40 oz – Found Here

The Smart Crocks are guaranteed against damage with a registration card included with each crock.
I have just contacted the company and they state they are made of polystyrene/acrylic resin. We will add the material to our listings.


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Is It Okay to Let My Amazon Eat Peanut Shells?
The Predictability of Fortune Cookies and Your Bird

Is It Okay to Let My Amazon Eat Peanut Shells?

Last Updated on October 2, 2023 by Mitch Rezman

A parrot should not eat peanut shells, that it is doing so may be from an event in its early learning to eat after being weaned, it could have been hungrier than expected and consumed all it could get into its beak, it could have been given solid food sooner than it should have.

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Can We Cure Feather Plucking (Picking)?
An African Gray Parrot Plucking Her Breast Feathers on Top of Her Cage

Can We Cure Feather Plucking (Picking)?

Last Updated on October 2, 2023 by Mitch Rezman

 There are many reasons that a parrot may become self-destructive.
Until recently there has been very little information to help us along with our feathered friends.
Feather destruction can be a difficult behavior to deal with and not all birds are able to recover from this bad habit.
There are many ways however to help make your parrot happier and feel safer in their environment simply by adjusting their surroundings and improving stimuli.


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My Bird Can Climb Over and Down the Cage Seed Guards

My Bird Can Climb Over and Down the Cage Seed Guards

Last Updated on October 2, 2023 by Mitch Rezman

My Sydney (19-yrs) has finally figured out how to climb over and down the bottom apron of her cage. Has anyone else had this problem and a solution other than keeping her in her cage? The four dogs tend to leave her alone but can not take it for granted.
 Having sold several thousand bird cages my recommendation would be to take them off. They actually are more to clean and can be dangerous to other large and small humans and pets in the household. 


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