Which Larger Parrot Species Is the Least Difficult to Take Care of?

Which Larger Parrot Species Is the Least Difficult to Take Care of?

Thank you for acknowledging a category for “large macaws,” you’ve been paying your due diligence.

My knowledge base comes from operating a  website that sells exclusively to pet bird keepers.

You can read about 1400 posts I’ve written on pet bird care.

Re: “Please don’t kid yourself there are no large parrot species that is any less difficult than the other to take care of” (below).

First, off one person’s, anecdotes should not be a driver on how to create a single bird or a flock’s environment.

Re: “ I recently bought a brand new TV and thanks to my parrot it has a crack in the screen”


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How Do I Care For My 2 Eclectus Parrot Pluckers?

How Do I Care For My 2 Eclectus Parrot Pluckers?

Hi Randall

I’m looking at the pictures you sent, thank you.

Obviously, the birds have feather self-destruction issues.

Typically these need to be addressed holistically.

Before we get granular on the issue let’s do some housekeeping and talk about this particular species.

 About 20% of parrots are sexually dimorphic meaning you can determine the sex of the bird by its color or markings.

Eclectus parrots are either red and blue (female) or green (male). 

Male ringnecks have the ring,  females have none.



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Do Birds Get Coronavirus? I Had It About a Month Ago.

Do Birds Get Coronavirus? I Had It About a Month Ago.

From: June S.


Subject: Re: Hi June ~ How to Remodel Cages to Reduce 2 Bird’s Hormonal Behavior


Hi Mitch,


Do birds get coronavirus? I had it about a month ago.


My two parakeets have become so quiet and sleep alot.


I changed where I keep them thinking a change would help.


Some but not much.


Can they know I haven’t been very well?


Thank God I have recovered any thoughts?





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I Can’t Believe How Many Dangers Are in My Bird’s Cage!

I Can’t Believe How Many Dangers Are in My Bird’s Cage!

From: Donna L.


Subject: Dangers found in toys and Oops, wrong Donna?


Hi Mitch,


I received your informative lesson about the dear little budgie?  (Sorry, tiny strokes-no memory)


I couldn’t stop reading.  So happy I found you! 


I started to dismantle my sweet little 21-year-old Meyer’s parrot’s toys to DIY new ones. 


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What Is the Best Way to Introduce My Quaker to His New Cage?
What Is the Best Way to Introduce My Quaker to His New Cage?

What Is the Best Way to Introduce My Quaker to His New Cage?

Mark Asks:


What is the best way to introduce my Quaker to his new cage?


Greetings Mark,

What I have always done is assemble the cage in the same room assuming there is room for all the components prior to putting it all together.

The room should be well lit and early in the day. You may want to wait until Saturday for more time.


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What Should I Do With the Three Eggs My Grey Just Laid?
A cockatiel bird at nest box incubating eggs

What Should I Do With the Three Eggs My Grey Just Laid?

Michael G. reaches back out with a new pet bird keeping challenge.


Hi, Mitch, I ordered a clamp-on light fixture for Lil’ Girl and Big Boy. 


While they have sunlight on the end of their cage (3′) and down one side (5′).


I figured it couldn’t hurt as the sunlight is filtered by windows with a light tint and filled with Argon gas which, I think, only prevents fogging. 


I am not sure about its filtering effect. 



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How Can I Achieve Better Birdcage Environments for My Birds?

How Can I Achieve Better Birdcage Environments for My Birds?

Hey there, here for the brunch, but I’d like to speak to the manager, I just have a question or two before sitting down: 

So we have a 2 bird, 2 human family.   

The littlest one, a GCC named Pz is the comedian and energy ball of the group, with tons of personality packed into a 70gram feather suit.   

Our sanity these days hinges upon making sure the bird children are well taken care of, as we spend all our days with them now and find it very enriching to be attentive to their unique needs and the interesting ways in which they communicate them to us.


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Should I Replace a Recently Deceased Parakeet?
Yellow-green little parrot. Looks in the mirror.

Should I Replace a Recently Deceased Parakeet?

Jen S. relates:

I had 2 parakeets in a cage together for 2 years, and one of them suddenly died today.

Should I get another bird to put in the cage with the other one? Is it a good idea to do that?

Dear Jen,

We are very sorry for your loss. Your remaining parakeet is likely confused and frightened and will be lonely.


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