That Hookbill In Your Home – How Much Do You Know About Bird Beaks?

That Hookbill In Your Home – How Much Do You Know About Bird Beaks?

Rotary trimmers are becoming very popular when people realize how easy it is to trim their own bird’s nails while saving money at the same time.

Although we recommend using an electric nail trimmer to keep your bird’s nails trimmed neatly we do not recommend that you attempt to trim your bird’s beak.

It’s a sensitive organ and has a lot of sensory receptors and which could potentially be very painful to your bird if handled in the wrong way, which got me to thinking about today’s topic.


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What Are Feather Stress Bars? Does Your Bird Have Them?

What Are Feather Stress Bars? Does Your Bird Have Them?

If you’ve ever noticed strange lines running perpendicular (across) the shafts of your bird’s feathers these are what are called “stress bars”.

They are particularly noticeable when your bird is molting and are harder to see if the feathers are still on the bird. 

A bird’s feathers can be a great indicator of its overall health.
The growth of feathers requires a broad spectrum of nutrients and if how the bird is getting its nutrients into its body is disrupted while the feathers develop, feather stress bars can be produced.


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Can I Let My Finch Out of Its Cage?

Can I Let My Finch Out of Its Cage?

Quora answer:


I wouldn’t. Unlike parakeets which can be tamed, most finches stay pretty wild and will always be somewhat skittish. If you let him out of the cage, he would be at risk of injury or trauma. I believe the best ways to care for a finch are:

  1. make sure he has other finch friends to play with;
  2. keep them in the largest cage you can afford—if possible, an aviary—to fly about and exercise;
  3. keep the cage, food, and water cups clean;
  4. feed good quality food with fruits and veggies;
  5. make sure they have sunshine during the day and dark and quiet at night.


Finches are sweet, happy, busy little birds. Keep them safe, and they will bring you lots of joy.




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I Am Horrified With the Answer About What Temperature Is Safe

I Am Horrified With the Answer About What Temperature Is Safe

Mitch, I am horrified at the answer you gave the woman who wrote to you asking what temperature is safe when taking her Parrot camping

Your answer was very open-ended–too open to interpretation.

I have a very extensive science and medicine background so your answer horrified me because there are so many people of all ages with such differing temperature tolerances.

I have seen on more than 2 occasions people outside in weather in the 20s-30s Fahrenheit temperature range out and about without a jacket and in a thin shirt or top.


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The Best List Of What Woods And Plants That Are Bird Safe Or Not

The Best List Of What Woods And Plants That Are Bird Safe Or Not

i have some drift wood that my grandkids collected from a creek way out in country wanting make bird perches to put in bird cages. what do i have to do to wood or is this safe.

i soaked in tub for 2 days putting new water on 2-3 times a day. can i use or should i throw away do not know what kind of wood


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Should I Get a Quaker, Ringneck, or Conure?
Happy father and daughter choosing pretty bird for keeping in pet shop

Should I Get a Quaker, Ringneck, or Conure?

Kayla writes to ask:


I’m stuck between getting a conure or a quaker (ok maybe an Indian ringneck too), and could really use advice on what current owners think.


I’m hoping to find a best friend who wants to be involved, cuddly, silly, and maybe even say a few words eventually.


I mostly don’t want one who screams and screeches all day.


Is a quaker on the right track?



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