How Much & How Often Should I Feed a Two-month-old Sun Conure?
Sun conure parrot on blue towel

How Much & How Often Should I Feed a Two-month-old Sun Conure?

The first answer to the Quora question:

I don’t know but I would recommend joining one of the many parrot groups on Facebook. I would think he would be eating very often. When my eclectus was 5 months he would eat a meal and then 15 minutes later be hungry again!

Well, that was helpful ~ not.

Facebook groups are the absolute worse place for pet bird information. If the information were ANY good we would not see 60% death by starvation of pet birds in the US.


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Are Packaged Pellets a Complete Diet for Parrots?

Are Packaged Pellets a Complete Diet for Parrots?

Another open-ended question from Quora ~ sigh

“That depends”, I respond,


Actually, not all engineered food (pellets) for birds and parrots is the same,  and is as far from the truth as can be.


I like to remind human-pet bird caregivers that there are no pellet trees in the rain forest.


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What Is Your Opinion of These Fresh Bird Chop Ingredients?

What Is Your Opinion of These Fresh Bird Chop Ingredients?

Scott R. wonders,

Hi Mitch, always reading on how to keep my bird healthy and happy and stumbled on to your last email and was interested if maybe I should try making this food or not.

1 cup dry quinoa (makes about 2 cups when cooked), 2 carrots, 1 broccoli, 1 medium beetroot, 6 chilies, ¼ cup flaked almonds, ½ cup rolled oats. Cook quinoa, chop all other ingredients, and mix everything together.

Eclectus/Galah/Cockatoo/Amazon: 2-4 tablespoons


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Please Help Me Not Starve My Parrot

Please Help Me Not Starve My Parrot

We’ve got some feedback on our statement “50% of captive birds deaths are from malnutrition” and I’m horrified.


Dollars Mum asked some pointed nutritional questions below and I’m always glad to have this discussion.


I think that people who serve their birds “chop” I well-intentioned but very misguided. A bird living on nothing but chop is a malnourished bird.


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Answers For Breeding And Feeding Budgies

Answers For Breeding And Feeding Budgies

Hello, My 2 parakeets had been mating & the hen has been laying 14-15 eggs so far.


After the first 9, the male who had been guarding the nest abandoned the eggs.


It seemed they are all unfertilized after looking at them under a bright flashlight.


Then they started building another nest under the table where I keep all their supplies (inside a bucket).



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Is Winter Stressing Your Bird Out?

Is Winter Stressing Your Bird Out?

Birds have a highly developed sense of light. In humans, we perceive light through our eyes.
Our feathered friends have an additional way of interpreting light conditions, a special gland that surrounds the eye. Read more on this
As days get shorter and the temperature falls, we want you to be aware of some issues the changing weather may have on your birds.
In the wild, animals rely on the cycling of the sun, and the seasons to adjust their biological clocks and metabolism. It is the sun, and changes in the quality of light and length of the day which set the stage for breeding, migration, molting, and daily behavior patterns.


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How Do You Put the “Social” in Bird Food?

How Do You Put the “Social” in Bird Food?

We talked about birds being the godfeathers of social media.

Birds are flock animals.

Your bird was born expecting to be in a flock. When the bird comes into your home you become its flock.

We have interactions with caged bird keepers from around the planet every day. “He won’t eat that” “I’ve tried that” “I just can’t get him off of his sunflower seed diet” (yes we actually hear that a lot – sigh).


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About Pretty Bird Extrusion & Manfacturing of Bird Food

About Pretty Bird Bird Food What is an extruded diet?

The best method available for use in the manufacture of high-quality pet foods is extrusion.

Using the extrusion process, premium quality ingredients can be ground and combined with nutritional supplements to produce a food that will provide a balanced ratio of nutrients.


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