Good No Sunflower Bird Food Mix for Birds

Good No Sunflower Bird Food Mix for Birds

Good Morning Catherine,

Debra here with a concern as to my past orders. I noticed that you did not advertise my African Grey’s Bulk Food (20lb) in the Volkman Avian Science Parrot Food -“No Sunflower Seeds”.

Are you still selling this item as you know my parrot has become quite the fan of the Volkman No Sunflower Seed brand.

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Bird Food Factory Sealed for Freshness

 Like any good retailer, we constantly check our competition online. Sometimes we see prices on some of the same bird food pellets or bird seed that is priced just too low to make sense and like anything else in life, you-get-what-you-pay-for.
Upon investigation, we often find that the bird food or pellets they are selling have been rebagged in zip locks, canisters and boxes. We’ve even seen the term “heat sealed.” (Remember Seal-A-Meals?) 


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Is Higgins Millet Really Organic?

Is Higgins Millet Really Organic?

Find Versele-Laga French Organic Millet for Birds Here

Thanks for touching base with me on that. Actually, I haven’t used any of the millet yet because the package says on it natural not organic. What does that mean? Everything is natural, even preservatives and pesticides. It’s all from nature.

Is it organic and why doesn’t the package say so?


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What’s the Story with Parrot Food Pellets?

What’s the Story with Parrot Food Pellets?

Parrot Food Pellets
So what’s the deal with parrot food pellets? They’re popular for many reasons but on the flip side, there are no pellet trees in the rainforest. With all the bird foods on the market, why would you select pellets over a seed diet? Can a bird survive on an all pellet or all-seed diet?


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