A Better Bird Ep 15 Migrating Recent Ringneck Rescue To New Home Bird Cage – Video

A Better Bird Ep 15 Migrating Recent Ringneck Rescue To New Home Bird Cage – Video

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I can’t count the number of times people inquire about the best way to migrate a bird from an older cage to a new birdcage.


The first thing I like to remind people is that the more you provide change for your bird the more your bird is likely to accept change.


A bird who has had the same bird cage, toys and accessories for 10 or 20 years is a phobic bird that you created.


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A Better Bird Ep 13 – How Bird Proof Is Your Home? Video

A Better Bird Ep 13 – How Bird Proof Is Your Home? Video

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In about 24 months our household has gone from 0 to 9 birds.

Six budgies (2 males/4 females), a female Senegal (surgically sexed) and a male African ringneck (males have the ring).

I fondly call the budgies my little hooligans who have their own cage as does Peaches our 9 year old female Senegal and Keto the newest member to our family, the 17-year-old male African ringneck.


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