Unlocking the Mysteries of Parrot Body Language and Vocalizations
So, you’ve found yourself sharing a home with a parrot—or perhaps you’re contemplating the plunge into the colorful, squawking world of pet bird companionship.
So, you’ve found yourself sharing a home with a parrot—or perhaps you’re contemplating the plunge into the colorful, squawking world of pet bird companionship.
Brent B. relates,
One of my Mexican Double Yellow Heads (Lorenza) has developed a liver ailment.
My bird vet says that the bird’s straightening nails and lime green droppings are indicators.
Jeanne wants to know,
Hi Mitch,
How are pineapple conures different from green cheek conures?
Understanding and Addressing Aggression
Congo African Grey parrots are renowned for their intelligence, remarkable speaking abilities, and complex personalities.
Desiree wrote,
First of all, I love reading your replies to members.
I have a 32-year-old Goffin cockatoo and I see a change in him since my husband passed away 3 months ago.
Arianne writes:
I’ve been using the Zoo Med Avian sun floor lamp for my parakeet. The last few weeks she has really drawn an interest in it.
A novel parrot gait called beakiation expands the locomotor range of living birds.
Researched and written by Edwin Dickinson and his team and published in January 2024, this new way of moving for parrots involves the use of their beaks while climbing on small, vertical branches under their aviary enclosures.
Choosing the right parrot species as a first-time owner is crucial to ensure a happy and harmonious relationship between you and your feathered friend.
Here are some popular and beginner-friendly parrot species per the “experts”
All the birds get chopped fruit and veggies for breakfast every morning
We replace the vitamin water in all 4 home birdcages around 4 PM when Keto and Chili come upstairs leaving their work cages (on mom’s desk) behind.