The Challenge of Caring for a One-eyed African Grey

The Challenge of Caring for a One-eyed African Grey


I am truly enjoying your email newsletters. Very informative.

Need some of your advice, I have a Timneh African Gray named “Saber”, now I think about 30 years old. I ended up buying him when he was about 3-4 years old. For several months I would visit the pet shop and always stopped by Sabers cage to play and talk with him.


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How Many Conure Species Are There? You’d Be Amazed!
Green Cheek Conure perched on a branch

How Many Conure Species Are There? You’d Be Amazed!

Argentina Conure
Austral Conure
Azara’s Conure
Aztec Conure
Azuero Conure
Berlepsch’s Conure
Black-capped Conure
Black-hooded Conure
Black-masked Conure
Blaze-winged Conure
Blood-eared Conure
Blue-chested Conure
Blue-crowned Conure
Blue-throated Conure
Brazilian Grey-breasted Conure
Brown-breasted Conure
Brown-throated Conure (more…)

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Can the lack of change in your bird’s life drive it’s bad behavior?

Can the lack of change in your bird’s life drive it’s bad behavior?

I received a phone call from a woman with a 15-year-old Blue Front Amazon.
He was in the original cage he had come home in 15 years ago.
The cage needed replacing and she was seeking a residential model.
Because he didn’t like being in the (24″ x 24″ brass) bird cage he had his own room.
In the room was his own futon.
He perched on top of the futon where he’d been whittling down the wood for a while and spent a lot of time under the futon on a blanket.


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What to do About My Cockatiels Cloudy Eyes?

What to do About My Cockatiels Cloudy Eyes?

G’morning Mitch,
I love to read your Sunday Birdie Brunch and look forward to receiving it each week.
Dusty is just about 3 years old. She is active, interactive, alert, happy, healthy, and sees the vet at least once a year. We feed her Kaytee ‘Healthy Support Diet’ food for cockatiels mixed with Vita Prima ‘sunscription’ conure formula.
Both are seeds and pellets. We put 2 drops of vitamins in her water in the morning with plain water during the day and evening. 

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