What Would It Be Like to Have a Large Parrot?
Dutch man holding red macaw on the arm outdoors

What Would It Be Like to Have a Large Parrot?

(Author Unknown)
Try this:
1.WASTEFUL.. Buy $30 worth of groceries and throw $24 worth in the trash as soon as you arrive home. Do this several times a month. Parrots require fresh food in addition to pellets (not seeds) and are wasteful eaters. If you can’t afford the wastefulness of a parrot, you can’t afford the parrot. 


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Free Bird Training Videos – Aggressive Biting Birds & What Not To Do
Free Bird Training Videos - Aggressive Biting Birds & What Not To Do

Free Bird Training Videos – Aggressive Biting Birds & What Not To Do

Email Newsletter 10/09/2011

It’s said in the veterinary community that the volume of knowledge with regards to parrots is doubling every five years.

Yet day after day we hear the same refrain “my bird bit me”. We’re not behaviorists. If you’re looking for a bird behaviorist look at Scott Robbins seen in the first video (left) below.

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Michelle Karras

Michelle Karras

  • R-Redirection not Reaction
  • E-Exercise
  • S-Sleep
  • P-Patience
  • E-Entertainment/Toys
  • C-Consistancy in training
  • T-Trust

The Polite Parrot was established in 1996 after 12 years of working with birds. My experience has mostly been hands on working with unwanted, abused and behaviorally challenged birds.


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Feather Tether Bird Harness – Frequently Asked Questions

Feather Tether Bird Harness – Frequently Asked Questions

Can the Feather Tether® be used with an older bird?

Yes, however, if you are working with an older or difficult bird you may need to follow a few more helpful hints.

For example, just like training a dog, a bird may pay better attention if you try using the harness during a time when she is hungry and you can use its favorite food or treats to help distract her.


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