Unraveling the Mysteries of Avian Neophobia: A Tale of Feathers and Fears

Dive into the enigmatic world of avian neophobia (Neophobia is the fear of new things), exploring the intricacies of parrot psychology and the art of introducing novelties to our feathered companions, all narrated with a twist of humor and creativity.

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Winter is Coming and I Want to Get a Heater for My Cockatiel
Winter is around the corner and I want to get a heater for my cockatiel.

Winter is Coming and I Want to Get a Heater for My Cockatiel

Janet C. relates

Winter is around the corner and I want to get a heater for my cockatiel. I decided on the one that attaches to the side of the cage, as I wasn’t sure about adding another perch to his cage.


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How Much Millet Should I Be Serving My Budgies?
How Much Millet Should I Be Serving My Budgies?

How Much Millet Should I Be Serving My Budgies?

Catherine Mc. related,

Hello and thank you both, Mitch & Catherine, for your Birdie Brunch each Sunday.

I just lost my beloved Fred (a parakeet) and not sure what happened. I was very close to him, as was my other parakeet, Eddie.


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