Multiple Birds Sharing the Same Bird Cage

Multiple Birds Sharing the Same Bird Cage

There an at least 4 ways to house multiple birds or parrots in a single bird cage. Much is determined by the species – we’ll touch on quantity later.

Keep in mind birds are flock animals and tend to be better in groups. A group of smaller species of birds such as Finches, Budgies, & Cockatiels do well in aviaries. Birds also travel horizontally in flight, not vertically.


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Michelle Karras

Michelle Karras

  • R-Redirection not Reaction
  • E-Exercise
  • S-Sleep
  • P-Patience
  • E-Entertainment/Toys
  • C-Consistancy in training
  • T-Trust

The Polite Parrot was established in 1996 after 12 years of working with birds. My experience has mostly been hands on working with unwanted, abused and behaviorally challenged birds.


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