Holy Crap My Bird’s Favorite Food Changed One Ingredient – Why Was This Not on the Twitterverse?

Holy Crap My Bird’s Favorite Food Changed One Ingredient – Why Was This Not on the Twitterverse?


Popcorn update

Friday 3/11/2016 – Dr Byron drained another 8 mL and gave her a shot of Lurpron. Everyday she’s with us is a gift.

I now let her out for an hour twice a day so she doesn’t tire too much and started “millet therapy” which keeps her on the ground (we’re keeping her flighted) and packs a ton of calories to help offset those used in the production of this nasty abdominal fluid production. If you’re not familiar with the story – read this.


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How Many Conure Species Are There? You’d Be Amazed!
Green Cheek Conure perched on a branch

How Many Conure Species Are There? You’d Be Amazed!

Argentina Conure
Austral Conure
Azara’s Conure
Aztec Conure
Azuero Conure
Berlepsch’s Conure
Black-capped Conure
Black-hooded Conure
Black-masked Conure
Blaze-winged Conure
Blood-eared Conure
Blue-chested Conure
Blue-crowned Conure
Blue-throated Conure
Brazilian Grey-breasted Conure
Brown-breasted Conure
Brown-throated Conure (more…)

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What You Might Not Know About Bird Lungs

What You Might Not Know About Bird Lungs

& How They Make Your Bird 1st Cousin To A Crocodile

Last week we chatted about a macaw and the demise of its human lungs. It’s unfortunate but sometimes we are more concerned with our bird’s health than random human beings and I get that so let’s spin 180° and talk about respiratory issues that our birds may have, 

First a Popcorn update – this is what you look for in a vet:


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