What Can I Use for Bird Safe Air Fresheners?
This is a follow up to last week’s post asking
Weezie asked “so what can I use for bird safe air fresheners”?
This is a follow up to last week’s post asking
Weezie asked “so what can I use for bird safe air fresheners”?
Denise asks
I have an Amazon and a hahns macaw.
Can you please tell me what oils are safe to use once in a while in my diffusers?
I have used Scentsy, and also bath and body works candles not a lot of use at all as the scents sort of even bother me!
thank you appreciate it.
I just got off the phone with Andrea, a very good customer of ours.
Andrea was fortunate enough to get a lung transplant at the age of 70.
I’m sure her primary surgeon told her many things that stand out to me are, “We’ve probably added about six years to your life” and “You have to get rid of your macaw.”
Recent studies by the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology are now finding that not only do birds have a sense of smell but it can be as important to birds as it is to fish or even mammals.
Leahloveskittens writes
I am a teen in the process of saving up for a green cheeked conure while I’m still in school.
I have done a lot of research on them.
The problem is that my family also has 4 cats and a dog.
I was planning on getting a tall cage and putting in a corner so the bird has a corner to retreat to in case of a cat attacking somehow, but now I’m worried that I just shouldn’t get a bird at all so I don’t make it get hurt.
I’ve been buying budgie supplies from you guys for over 2 years now and really enjoy your stuff.
I know that you guys have budgies and are extremely experienced with birds.
I am having some trouble with my budgies are you able to offer advice?
Karen P. asks,
I have a 28-year-old blue and gold macaw.
We have had her for 18 years.
She has been bare-chested most of her life.
Her big perch is in the family room, which is quite large with a cathedral ceiling.
It is hard to keep her warm.
In response to our Nov 4th 2019 Birdie Brunch
Rio Hemmings commented
I agree that birds will land on any perch in the wild, but caged life is different, they have to sit on the same perch all day so it needs to be comfortable, I do gymnastics and pole so I know how uncomfortable and painful it is when the pole is too wide I can’t work with it.
Hi Mitch
I’ve been enjoying your emails for some time now.
I have an umbrella and a citron cockatoo.
We’ve been searching for two manzanita branches and just haven’t found the perfect ones yet.
Would you be able to direct me in the right direction to find a good and safe branch for them?
Hi, Mitch,
I spoke to you about my parakeet’s diet and you were going to send me some helpful info. Thanks! Steve (more…)