He Duct Taped His Cockatoos Feet To The Floor

He Duct Taped His Cockatoos Feet To The Floor

The following was part of an answer to the following Quora question.

“What would be a bird’s reaction if we tied a helium balloon to their legs (that would make them float)? What about a bat? How would they adapt? QUESTION DETAILS IN COMMENTS”

At some point in the very short response I saw these words

“Someday, I’ll tell you about the time I duct taped his feet to the kitchen floor to prevent him from chasing mine”.


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A Better Bird Ep 15 Migrating Recent Ringneck Rescue To New Home Bird Cage – Video

A Better Bird Ep 15 Migrating Recent Ringneck Rescue To New Home Bird Cage – Video

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I can’t count the number of times people inquire about the best way to migrate a bird from an older cage to a new birdcage.


The first thing I like to remind people is that the more you provide change for your bird the more your bird is likely to accept change.


A bird who has had the same bird cage, toys and accessories for 10 or 20 years is a phobic bird that you created.


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Why Is This Jubilee (Hybrid) Macaw Having A Difficult Molt?

Donna B writes on 9/9/2018

I have a 6-1/2 year old Jubilee Macaw (named Bijou) who seems to be having a very difficult molt.


I am concerned his constant picking might turn in to plucking.


Bijou has begun constantly picking on himself and pulls out not only larger feathers but also small to mid size feathers and gray fluff.


As of now, however, I don’t see any skin abrasions or blood.  


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A Better Bird Ep 13 – How Bird Proof Is Your Home? Video

A Better Bird Ep 13 – How Bird Proof Is Your Home? Video

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In about 24 months our household has gone from 0 to 9 birds.

Six budgies (2 males/4 females), a female Senegal (surgically sexed) and a male African ringneck (males have the ring).

I fondly call the budgies my little hooligans who have their own cage as does Peaches our 9 year old female Senegal and Keto the newest member to our family, the 17-year-old male African ringneck.


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A Better Bird Ep 12 Migrating 6 Budgies From Cage To Aviary – Video

A Better Bird Ep 12 Migrating 6 Budgies From Cage To Aviary – Video

I’ve often said the universe is too complex to be arbitrary.

We brought home a Prevue F040 birdcage for our six budgies, but once built we clearly felt it was too small.

It sat in our living room for about three weeks.

During that time we received a phone call and long story short we ended up rescuing a 17-year-old male African ringneck.


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How To Easily Get Powdered Supplements Into Your Bird – Video

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There are no wrong or right procedures or specific foods for any given bird.

It’s always good to start with a manufacturers well rounded parrot food blend like Hagan Tropimix which has seeds, nuts, fruit and Hagen Tropimix pellets.

Some birds are extraordinarily picky eaters and will only eat seed.

A straight bird food pellet diet is not necessarily the answer.

We tell people “there are no pellet trees in the rain forest”



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What Should You Consider Before Getting a Pet Bird?

What Should You Consider Before Getting a Pet Bird?

Children are loud, messy, and time-consuming,  but every family has 2.6 of them (Pew Research).

I probably spend less time cleaning up after my eight birds in three birdcages than most moms cleaning up after 2 six-year-olds 

or a single toddler

To say that all birds are time-consuming is an unsupported blanket statement.

We have a Senegal parrot and an African ringneck.

Neither is very noisy.


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