What Kind of Parrot Should I Get and How Do Birds Talk?

What Kind of Parrot Should I Get and How Do Birds Talk?

What kind of parrot should I get based on this schedule?

I wake at about 5:30 AM and get ready for school. At 7:25 AM I head off for school. After at about 2:00 PM I get back home for lunch and do what I want for 2 and a half hours. I then do homework for 2 hours and then dinner and 1 hour of anything.


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Parrotlet Perch & Diets, Hanging (Bat) Budgie, Conure Life Spans, Grey Diets & More

Parrotlet Perch & Diets, Hanging (Bat) Budgie, Conure Life Spans, Grey Diets & More

I have recently purchased a new parakeet (Budgie)

As my beloved 7 yr old Sparky died. He is very young as the cere above his beak is just changing color from white to blue.

When I cover his cage at night he is on his top perch but when I get up in the morning Budgie is hanging upside down from the top of his cage. He has a perch high up but moves to the roof when I am sleeping. Any ideas?

Martie H


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How to Bathe Your Pet Bird?
Cockatiel bath close up background.

How to Bathe Your Pet Bird?

At the end of the day, it’s best to ensure that your birds are bathed on a regular basis and allow them to preen their feathers part of any bird’s routine.


In spite of my esteemed associate Mr. Klugman (from Quora) endorsing a Deionized Water commercial spray – I’m going to advocate you not even bring the stuff into the house. (more…)

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How Should I Set Up My  Green Cheek Conure’s Bird Cage and How Often Should I Clean It?
Green Cheek Conure perched on a branch

How Should I Set Up My Green Cheek Conure’s Bird Cage and How Often Should I Clean It?

I own a green cheek conure. He has a pretty large cage, not sure of the exact dimensions, but I’m very confused on how to set it up, I hear that people put newspaper to line the cage with but are you supposed to put that on top of the litter or under it? Also, how often should I change the litter?

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How Long Should It Take for a Cockatiel to Grow Back Clipped Wing Feathers?

How Long Should It Take for a Cockatiel to Grow Back Clipped Wing Feathers?

How long should it take for a Cockatiel to grow back clipped wing feathers?


I have a 7-month-old cockatiel, he’s super happy all the time and is “shedding” his down feathers constantly lately. The people we bought him from at about 2 to 3 months old were clipping his wings and he still hasn’t been able to fly properly. We keep him clean, happy, and healthy.


My answer


For the record, we are proponents of keeping birds flighted. But if a person loses a bird because it is flighted and they walked outside with the bird on their shoulder un-tethered – they are a dumbass.


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Why Do Parrots Scream a Lot?

Why Do Parrots Scream a Lot?

Not all “ parrots”  scream.  


South American birds including conures and macaw parrots as well as some Australian parrots like Moluccan cockatoos can be quite noisy. Conversely, African parrots from the poicephalus family are fairly quiet like Senegals, Myers, and Red Bellies.


Big birds like Moluccan cockatoos can scream quite loudly literally at levels that exceed the noise 747 Jumbo jet landing ( approximately 157 decibels).



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The Bird of Time: Cognition and the Avian Biological (Circadian) Clock
25089727 - image of yellow parrot sitting on alarm clock

The Bird of Time: Cognition and the Avian Biological (Circadian) Clock

Front Mol Neurosci. 2012; 5: 32.
Published online 2012 Mar 22. Prepublished online 2012 Feb 1. doi:  10.3389/fnmol.2012.00032
PMCID: PMC3309970The bird of time: cognition and the avian biological clock

Avian behavior and physiology are embedded in time at many levels of biological organization. Biological clock function in birds is critical for sleep/wake cycles, but may also regulate the acquisition of place memory, learning of song from tutors, social integration, and time-compensated navigation.


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What is the Minimum Cage Size for a Green Cheek Conure?
What is the minimum cage size for a Green Cheek Conure?

What is the Minimum Cage Size for a Green Cheek Conure?

What is the minimum bird cage size for a Green Cheek Conure?

When we first bought a cage for our GCC (Green Cheek Conure) we decided a really big one was the best option. But now it’s hell to clean it, even once a week.

What is the minimum cage size for a GCC and what can I do to keep the cage cleaner?


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