Handicapped Bird Videos – What Our Birds Teach Us About Disabilities

Handicapped Bird Videos – What Our Birds Teach Us About Disabilities

We get help desk tickets and phone calls on a regular basis seeking advice for a handicapped bird. The most common disability is splayed foot (especially in budgies).

Splayed foot is when one or both of the bird’s feet turn sideways as a chick. This usually happens to young birds when nesting material is “slippery” so the feet don’t have enough traction to point in the right direction while still in the nest.


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How Do I Stop Our 6 Parakeets From Laying Eggs and Making Babies?

How Do I Stop Our 6 Parakeets From Laying Eggs and Making Babies?

 Hello, I am in a bit of a situation and I’m hoping that you can help me. I have had three parakeets for almost 6 years now.

Recently one of the birds has started to lay eggs. At first we were excited, we didn’t think they would actually lay eggs since we have had them for so long.


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Which Are the Most Affectionate Parrots and What Makes Them That Way?
White cockatoo in front of white background

Which Are the Most Affectionate Parrots and What Makes Them That Way?

Just about any bird has the ability to be “affectionate” but we should define affectionate first.

In most cases it goes beyond the affection you would see between a parent and child.

At the end of the day, all thinking animals have one thing in mind and one purpose on earth which is to procreate. (more…)

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Is A Stainless Steel Bird Cage Worth The Investment?

Is A Stainless Steel Bird Cage Worth The Investment?

Message: I had topaz in the hospital and metal poisoning was one of the things that was checked..vet was stumped.

Editor’s note: Why do vets never test the water source? 63 million Americans are exposed to unsafe drinking water which is why we only give bottled water to our birds.

When I took a corner shelf down I saw he had chewed away a quarter-sized area of paint off under the shelf which he loved. so I covered that area up with a large perch and we were fine for a week. then it started again and I searched all over the cage and found another chewed are.

vet says that I need an ss cage. I would much rather have this one and a bird that isn’t chewing paint. if not the paint then the wrought iron underneath it? idk..his cbc came back ok, fecal normal all ok..but poops abnormal, weight loss,


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Does an Inherited Cockatiel With a Bald Spot in an Aviary Need Foraging Toys?

Does an Inherited Cockatiel With a Bald Spot in an Aviary Need Foraging Toys?

There is no singular cockatiel related to the title of this post. Aside from providing expert advice to caged bird keepers I also have a passion for Search Engine Optimization as well as improving how I communicate our ideas. Apparently, I am the vortex of a digitally feathered world.

So in these stories, we’re going to talk about four unique cockatiels and their circumstances. Should anyone in our audience inherit a cockatiel with a bald spot living in an aviary with lots of foraging toys – you’re welcome.


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How far can a parrot fly?
81594208 - blue and gold macaw (ara ararauna). parrot birds flying. beautiful wildlife image with copy space.

How far can a parrot fly?

A question from Quora

Just to set the record straight parrots do not stop and sleep during the day they are diurnal animals and rarely sleep out in the open for fear of predators.

The other issue we need to clear up before we embark on an answer is what kind of parrot?


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We Explore 4 Cockatoos Each With Unique Nutritional Needs

We Explore 4 Cockatoos Each With Unique Nutritional Needs

Yay!! I can’t wait to read the article. By the way, do you or anyone you know have experience with Galahs (aka Rose-breasted cockatoos)?


I have one that I got as a baby (It was about 6-9 months old). She is just under 2 years old now. I wasn’t impressed when I drove out of state to buy her from the breeder that came with great recommendations.


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How Windy City Parrot Looks At Our Bird’s Holistically

How Windy City Parrot Looks At Our Bird’s Holistically

Pet food manufacturers as well as Internet “influencers” somehow associate the word “holistic” with “healthy” which indicates (to me) they clearly never read the definition of “holistic“.


ho·lis·tic – adjective


PHILOSOPHY – characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.


Thus from this point forward, you will go forth and snigger the next time someone tries to sell you holistic anything.


When you interact with us,


whether it be here, on our website, social media, email, or any other form of communication, we try to introduce you to holistic bird health as a way of succeeding with captive bird care – meaning: 


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Best Practices For Heating Outdoor Bird Aviaries

Best Practices For Heating Outdoor Bird Aviaries

Hi. We’re installing an outdoor aviary on our screened & covered porch.
The size is 8x8x9 and it will house 2 blue and gold macaws.
I found the perfect rope perches at windy city parrot.
Now I hope you can help me select the right heat source.
We live in north Mississippi so extreme cold isn’t a problem; winter temps are 30s-40s most nights.
Do you recommend infrared heat lamps?
If so, how many for the space?

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