Bird Cage Buying Questions Answered

Bird Cage Buying Questions Answered

Bird cages are investments, spend wisely
The bird cage has to meet not only the requirements of your birds but should blend with your lifestyle. The cage may reside in a casual family room or a formal living room. Maybe you’re lucky (or crazy) enough to have a bird room.There’s a lot of factors and everyone has an opinion. Here’s ours….

Birds are flock animals.

When they become your pet, you become their flock.


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Notebook With Parrot on the Screen - isolated on White Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Statement

This is the website of

Our postal address is
618 E Commercial Ave
Lowell IN 46356

We can be reached via e-mail at mailto:[email protected]
or you can reach us by telephone at 312-492-9673, 877-287-0810, 219-401-5480

Customer information, whether public or private, will not be sold, exchanged, transferred, or given to any other company for any reason whatsoever, without the consent of the customer, other than for the express purpose of delivering the purchased product or service requested by the customer.


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Windy City Parrot Return Policy
A blue and yellow macaw performs a trick involving a toy car at the KL Bird Park in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Windy City Parrot Return Policy

DAMAGED SHIPMENTS: If your package arrives visibly damaged, refuse it and contact us immediately at 312-492-9673 or 219-401-5480 or 877-287-0810 or contact us at [email protected]. If you sign for a package or cage and do not report any visible damage to the driver we cannot file a claim with the shipping company for the damage and cannot be liable for the replacement or return of the products. Minor damage to a shipment can be saved so please contact us immediately for further assistance. All damages must be reported to us within 3 business days.

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About Us

About Us

Windy City Parrot was hatched in 1993. It is comprised of the following entities. – Internet Sales
The website launched 12/31/01 – Now shipping to North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia Monday through Friday.

Windy City Parrot Supplies and Collectibles
Open 5 days a week with the best selection of bird & parrot supplies in the Midwest

Now offering collectibles too!


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About Prevue Pet’s Savitt Family

About Prevue Pet’s Savitt Family

Richard Savitt of Prevue Pet Products Inc.

This family-owned business continues to be a force for innovation for the category it has become synonymous with.

Prevue Pet Products Inc., like many companies in the pet industry, is a family affair. Rickard Savitt, president of the company, took over the reins from his father, Murph Savitt, and will be passing those reins along to his son, Jason, at some point in the future.


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About Pretty Bird Extrusion & Manfacturing of Bird Food

About Pretty Bird Bird Food What is an extruded diet?

The best method available for use in the manufacture of high-quality pet foods is extrusion.

Using the extrusion process, premium quality ingredients can be ground and combined with nutritional supplements to produce a food that will provide a balanced ratio of nutrients.


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