Can I Over Supplement My Parrotlet?
Dear Mitch and Catherine! 😊
First of all, I want to thank you for all the wonderfull “breakfast meals” you give us “hungry” parrot slaves every sunday! 😊
They are so informative, and I always look foreward to read them every weekend!
Thank you very much for ALL the work you make in the research of writing these articles! ☺️
By the way; I love the new format you’ve made on your website!! 😊😊
I appologize for the inconvineance, but I hope you have the time to help me, please, with a couple of questions about a few different subjects.
First of all; my heart is owned by my 6 month old sweetheart parrotlet boy, named Charlie. ☺️❤️
- Sprouts and F10: