Why Has One of My 2 Quakers Gotten Bitey?

Why Has One of My 2 Quakers Gotten Bitey?

Carolyn L. writes


I have two Quakers, one green one blue Zachary and Felix.


Zach is about 7 and Felix is a sweet 2 yr old.


They are in separate cages because Zachary has gotten very nasty and attacks little Felix.


Zach bites everything and everyone!


Felix loves me and nibbles but not to hurt.


How can I get Zach to stop the biting so I can get them together?


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How Do I Stop My Parrotlet from Biting My Husband?
Dirty face and beak Pacific Parrotlet, Forpus coelestis in hand

How Do I Stop My Parrotlet from Biting My Husband?

Vicki M. writes:

My male parrotlet is 1 year 6 months old and takes big chunks out of my husband. He’ll be watching tv and the bird will fly over and take a chunk out of him. There’s no reason for this. 


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Are Peanuts Making My Blue Crown Conure Itch?

Are Peanuts Making My Blue Crown Conure Itch?

Ward asks

My blue crown conure of at least 25yrs is acting odd. He seems to be scratching and bobbing as well as if he’s just very uncomfortable.


I recently ordered some peanuts in the shell and would give him 3-4 each day as a treat.

I started noticing very small moths in my home that lead back to the bag of peanuts that was teaming with larvae.

Do you think my conure is in danger from eating these peanuts?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.


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Hello, I Have a Very Hormonal Male Sun Conure!

Hello, I Have a Very Hormonal Male Sun Conure!

Christina writes

Hello! I have a very hormonal male sun conure around ~10 years old. When he is out of his cage with me, all he wants to do is regurgitate anywhere and everywhere and go in my clothes.

Even in his cage, he regurgitates on things and humps some of his toys. I’m just not sure what kind of setup I can provide for him that will calm him down and let him play and have interests other than mating. 🙁

Do you have tips? Most tips seem to be for female birds, I’ve never had such a hormonal male though!


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How Do I Stop My Hormonal Parrotlet from Biting My Husband?

Vicki M. writes


My male parrotlet is 1 year 6 months old and takes big chunks out of my husband.


He’ll be watching tv and the bird will fly over and take a chunk out of him.


There’s no reason for this.


My husband is not doing anything as the bird just flew over.



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What Kind of Bird Should I Get at 60?

What Kind of Bird Should I Get at 60?

Darla S asks:

Can you suggest a few medium-sized parrot species for a 1st-time owner about to turn 60y?

I am interested in moderation (moderate affection, playfulness, independence, friendliness, and noise) ability to talk would be a plus.

I still work full time, and live alone in my own house.


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How Do I Help My Rescue Budgie with Splayed Leg?

How Do I Help My Rescue Budgie with Splayed Leg?

From Donna E.


question: I have recently been given a parakeet with a splayed leg. 


He eats and flys but he’s not very active and basically just sits in one place for long periods of time, especially if another keet doesn’t land next to him to get him moving.



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Can I Train Two 1 Year Old Budgies to Fly?

Can I Train Two 1 Year Old Budgies to Fly?

Carol Wrote:

Mitch: I read on line something you wrote about the possibility of training adult budgies.

I have inherited two budgies – about 1-year-old.

They are in a cage and have never been trained.

They seem very happy with each other.

They are very active and chatty.


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