Is There a Good Way to Handle A Broody Older Macaw?

Is There a Good Way to Handle A Broody Older Macaw?

Kim M. requests advice,


I have been reading your emails for quite some time.  I finally need some advice. 


I have a 28-year-old Blue and Gold McCaw.  She has been fairly happy over the years.  She was my son’s bird until he got married and didn’t take her with him.  Now she has to deal with me and misses my son very much but now has resigned to the fact I have to be her person.


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How This Couple Treats Their DYH Amazon Parrots Heart Disease
Leg chained yellow-headed amazon is eating food. The yellow-headed amazon (Amazona oratrix), also known as the yellow-headed parrot and double yellow-headed amazon.

How This Couple Treats Their DYH Amazon Parrots Heart Disease

Patricia McP relates


My 38 year old DYH Amazon just had an echocardiogram done by Dr. Fitzgerald, an avian cardiologist specialist. It was a beneficial exam that helped us adjust Pancho’s meds. Pancho has the typical Amazon heart disease, but it doesn’t mean the end if you take special care and take advantage of all the modern technology available.


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Should I Imp My Baby Conure’s Feathers?
Conure is one of the species of parrot native to Latin America. From Mexico came down to the Caribbean and South Chile, Cinnamon Green Cheek.

Should I Imp My Baby Conure’s Feathers?

Bonnie D. is interested in,


Imping Feathers on a baby Conure




I recently adopted a baby conure – hatched 6/4/2021.


Her wings were clipped.


After I adopted her, I found information on the importance of birds keeping their flight feathers to help in balance, muscle tone, and even mental benefits.



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Have You Ever Experienced a Bird With “Bumblefoot”?

Have You Ever Experienced a Bird With “Bumblefoot”?

Karen C. asks,


Have you ever experienced dealing with a bird that has developed what they are calling “bumblefoot”?


I have a parakeet that has a sore spot on the bottom of one of its feet.


When I looked it up on the internet it didn’t seem like much could be done and this little guy isn’t finger trained.


He was a rescue along with 3 other birds.


It’s quite a feat to catch him at all and I don’t want to stress him out anymore than the poor thing already is.


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Do Dander Birds Like Cockatiels Require a Regular Drenching?

Do Dander Birds Like Cockatiels Require a Regular Drenching?

Scott writes,


Hey folks: Our 4-year-old (almost) male gray Cockatiel Buddy has a dander problem?


We can get him to bathe outdoors when he’s out in the lanai and it happens to be raining which is a fairly common occurrence here in west-central Florida but the problem (?) is that we can’t get him wet to the skin. Buddy will shake off after a bath and a cloud of dander will “poof” off him.


I’ve read that birds, in general, need to get wet to the skin to remain healthy. Any thoughts?



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Can Cloacal Prolapse in Parakeets Be Prevented?
Coconut bird's nest

Can Cloacal Prolapse in Parakeets Be Prevented?

Mary S. is concerned,


Can prolapse in parakeets be prevented?


Dear Mary

Most important is prevention – assure that your birds, especially breeding hens, are in good health and are receiving optimal amounts of calcium and other minerals and vitamins. Upon noting a prolapse, you can try lubricating the tissue with a water-soluble product, such as Wet Original.


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How Do I Treat My Female Parakeet’s Feather Cyst?

How Do I Treat My Female Parakeet’s Feather Cyst?

to Mitch@WCParrot


Hello, love your website have a parakeet female about 5 years old with a cyst on the left wing.


Our avian vet was not too helpful only said it could be a feather cyst after I suggested it.


She does not seem uncomfortable but the cyst is getting bigger mostly pink with whatever color of feather appears any suggestions?



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