How Much Freedom Should Our Young Cockatiel Have?
We have a 2-month-old cockatiel and was told to limit his time out of the cage.
15 mins in the morning and 15 mins at night.
For at least 2 weeks.
Curious as to why this is so important?
We have a 2-month-old cockatiel and was told to limit his time out of the cage.
15 mins in the morning and 15 mins at night.
For at least 2 weeks.
Curious as to why this is so important?
Lee asks
Hi Windy City,
Does anyone out there clean their perches with peroxide?
Is it safe?
I’ve tried various surface cleaning methods followed by baking.
Most recently, after cleaning off loose debris, I soaked in bleach water, then steamed with a brush attachment.
During a cold spell, so I did this indoors.
It’s spring, which means some of you may have noticed your bird’s behavior has begun to change a bit which may mean, your bird’s hormonal cycle has begun to change.
You can expect many changes but above all expect the unexpected.
It’s important to review egg-laying problems on a regular basis.
The discussion below will focus on single egg-laying instances and prolific egg-laying.
Other aspects of egg-laying encompass egg binding.
This is when the egg doesn’t make it out of the oviduct, the area between the uterus and cloaca on its own.
Another problem is when eggs are laid internally.
The zebra finch and canary are the most popular birds kept by pet owners, after budgies and cockatiels. They both also have a long history in captivity, as does the society finch. Let’s take a look at how these birds are alike and how they differ.
If you’re considering adding a finch or a canary to your family, you might be surprised to find that a canary is a finch. So you are only choosing among finches, really. Zebra finches, society finches, also called Bengalese finches, and canaries actually have a lot in common.
Shouldn’t we learn how to find the right foods for our pet birds?
Feathered factoid: as much as 30% of a bird’s calories are used in the production and maintenance of feathers.
Editor’s note: We don’t know what bird food your bird will like any more than what you like on Netflix.
“Transparent”, “Scandal” or “The Walking Dead,” shows are both loved and reviled.
We do know that instinctively your bird has a desire to “search” or “forage” for food seven days a week.
Actually, my dogs are given mostly a raw diet and I supplement a little kibble.
I have to put her away until they’re done or she chases them from their own food :).
Thoughts, please.
Dear Pam
The dirt in your houseplants is more dangerous than the kibble.
Jerri M. asks
We live in NC and as you are probably aware, Hurricane Matthew has created some problems.
We were evacuated in a raft, with our Eclectus Parrot.
Since we have returned home, she is acting stressed and exhibiting behaviors that I have not witnessed before this.
Hello, My 2 parakeets had been mating & the hen has been laying 14-15 eggs so far.
After the first 9, the male who had been guarding the nest abandoned the eggs.
It seemed they are all unfertilized after looking at them under a bright flashlight.
Then they started building another nest under the table where I keep all their supplies (inside a bucket).
Small species pet birds
Birds we classify as “Smaller” species
Green cheek conures weigh 64 grams (cockatiels are about 100 grams – Patagonian conures weight about 280 grams, about the size of a Timneh African grey.
Don’t think for a minute conures can be classified into one size category
Large Canaries
Gibber Canary