Egg Laying Umbrella Cockatoo
My name is Dylen T. and am 13 years old. I’m doing a 4-H project with a bird I have named Dani. Her father is a Peachface Lovebird and her mother is a Fischer Lovebird. She is 5 1/2 years old. Dani was all green with a red/orange face when she hatched.
About a year and a half ago she started losing the blue pigment in her feathers, now she looks almost exactly like her sister, Honey, the Lutino that was hatched in the brood after hers. Dani is doing everything she would normally do like play, eat, drink and bathe. Do you know what could make this happen in a lovebird? I would appreciate any help you can give me with this.
I got some budgie breeding boxes from you a few months ago. I was happy with the service and the quality of the boxes.
Hi Jimmy,
We can offer a few suggestions to help you find suitable breeding cages for your Cockatiels and Macaws.
In the video below its stated quite succinctly.
In the wild, parrots spend 50 to 70% of their daylight hours foraging for food.
Before we jump into today’s subject I would like to welcome Sunshine. Sunshine was our beloved Indian Ringneck who passed on Mother’s Day 2009 at the age of 20. Sunshine is our new “favicon” the little image in the tab on your browser and bookmarks bar. You’ll see him every time you visit We’re happy that Sunshine is watching over the website for us around the clock 🙂
Last week, we talked about wing clipping. World-renowned behaviorist Greg Glendell had some feedback on our article. Greg’s comment ” Hello, I have just read your article on wing ‘trimming’.