How Do I Hand Raise Baby Birds?
Ask a breeder, a pet caregiver, and a bird, and you’ll receive 3 answers.
Having watched 3 juveniles go from egg to buzzing around my head, I certainly have my opinions.
I Asked a Bot to Explain Budgie Breeding Here Is What I Learned
I wear many hats on a daily basis.
I’m a web developer and a blogger who follows many of the latest developments in the digital world.
Whats Going on With Windy City Parrots 10 Budgies?
Full transparency.
We are not breeders nor sellers of birds. Catherine had her hand at breeding small parrots like lovebirds, finches, and cockatiels about 30 years ago.
Is Budgie Breeding Predictable or With Unexpected Consequences?
E (his legal name – must be handy with forms)
We have a large aviary cage with 8 parakeet rescues, 5 girls, and 3 boys. The census has been up to 10, but a few have passed over the years.
We recently moved the cage from a bright front room in the downstairs store, upstairs to our living space where it is not as lit up from several windows but the room does have over 20 lighting fixtures).
How Would We Revamp Lighting for a Harligold & Greenwing Macaw?
Jayda (above)
Dear Mitch and Catherine,
We are empty nesters owned by our only pets, a harligold and a greenwing macaw. After reading some of your articles on correcting parrot lighting issues, we are aware that their lighting setup needs some revamping.
What Are Your Lighting Recommendations for a Scarlet Macaw?
Cissy R. has a new inquiry,
I’ve written before about my scarlet, Maxxi, who doesn’t like to fly.
Now I have another question, I am reading about ‘lighting’ for babies.
Do You Offer a Cage for My Bird That Has Doors Front and Back?
Hi, I have been looking for a house (cage) for my bird that has doors on the front and back.
Do you know of any manufacturers that carry such a design? Thank you for all your education and wonderful articles.
I Have a Parrotlet With a Cut on the Inside of Her Front Toe
Carol wrote:
I have a parrotlet that had a cut on the inside of her front toe, being the longest toe at the front toe. She was vet checked but didn’t receive much help.
When Would I Use Egg Food For My Bird?
Egg food is a versatile supplement especially if your bird is eating nothing but seeds. The problem with the seed-only diet is that your bird is not getting enough vitamins, amino acids (necessary for feather growth), and trace elements.