Bird Nail Trimming Refresher
Bird Nail Trimming Refresher

Bird Nail Trimming Refresher

Because we wear less clothing in the summer months, short sleeves, tank tops and shorts we might be feeling our birds nails little more on our skin. This is a sure sign that it’s time to trim your birds nails.

The thought of this makes a lot of people hyperventilate because they’re usually faced with three choices.

Find someone to do it professionally. Take your bird to the vet which may incur a large bill for blood workup or a wellness check, or three, doing it yourself.


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4 Bird Keeping Clean Ideas

4 Bird Keeping Clean Ideas

We’re going to get started by talking about one of our favorite product lines Lixit. Do you really need a water bottle? Birds being the messy creatures that they are will poop in their water dishes regardless of placement.

 This means the stray food, the poop, and other contaminants which carry bacteria get ingested by your bird. One of the easiest ways to overcome these problems is to install a Lixit water bottle in your birdcage.


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Two New Birds
funny red bellied parrot showing off his smooth dancing moves

Two New Birds

Kriselle and I had chatted on the phone a month ago.

She shared her plans to bring two baby birds into her home.

She was taking a year off from work and felt it would give her the opportunity to make the right home for the birds.

I’ll make a note here that I recommend she start leaving the house about 3 months before returning to work starting with shorter periods but ramping up to full 8 – 10 hour days to help the birds adjust to a “prolonged absence” 


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Bird Cage – Windy City Parrot
A Follow Up to Our Budgie with a Broken Wing

Bird Cage – Windy City Parrot

Much has been written about the bird cage. Almost every web site that tries to sell you a bird cage will offer information on how to purchase the right bird cage. Proper bird cage bar spacing, proper bird cage size – every bird cage website has an opinion.

At the end-of-the-day, much of the bird cage information you read boils down to just that, opinion. Am I starting to ruffle some feathers – good? The reality is, a reality we’ve built after selling a bird cage to thousands of pet bird owners.

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Inside Bird Aviaries Benefits
Inside Bird Aviaries Benefits

Inside Bird Aviaries Benefits

Aviaries Benefit You and Your Birds

Want lots of room inside your home for your winged pets? 4, 6 and 8 foot diameter cages are available with flooring and flashing that can be filled with your favorite bedding and then periodically sifted for cleaning. Now you can easily convert that extra room into a bird paradise!


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