Short Circuit From Love to Attack Behavior With My Rainbow Lory Recently

Short Circuit From Love to Attack Behavior With My Rainbow Lory Recently

Connie S wrote:

I looked at the anatomy of a bird’s brain that you had in a recent email.

I would like to know more about the portion that says: Short Circuit from love to attack behavior!

That is happening with my rainbow lory recently.

He is 18 years old and has suddenly started attacking my hand when I reach to have him climb on my finger.

Otherwise, he hangs out with me with no problem – when I’m sitting in a chair or lying on the bed. (more…)

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My Conure Went to the Library and Won

My Conure Went to the Library and Won

Oh No! My Conure Went to the Library Alone and Won’t Come Home

Retrieving Escaped or Stolen Parrots: Part Three

A Surprise Flight Lets Mango Fly to the Library Trees and How He was Retrieved

I am a proponent of clipping wings. I know not everyone feels this way, but I’ve had a cockatiel break his neck flying into a mirror when a loud, unfamiliar noise outside frightened him and other bad experiences with flighted companion parrots.


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Why Is My Bird Suddenly Biting Me?

Why Is My Bird Suddenly Biting Me?

I am so torn by my bird’s recent behavior. While I was cleaning his cage this morning, I let him roam. He was well behaved. He started pecking at the carpet and I said “No” in a stern voice. Of course, he fluffed up and waddled around.

When I finished, I gave him his bath which he loved. He just goes to the top of his cage and I spray and sing to him. After that, I got the cape I usually wear when holding him. He got all excited and came right up to my shoulder. He nuzzled and kiss my ear many times.


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Banjo, the African Grey
African Grey Parrot - Psittacus erithacus in front of a white background

Banjo, the African Grey

I have an African Grey who simply loves only me.

However, when I let him out of his cage to wander around, he insists on biting my woodwork! Is there anything I can do to stop this behavior?

When he does this, I put him back in his cage. He really doesn’t want to go and ruffles his feathers.




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