What Are Some Tips for Keeping a Parrot?

What Are Some Tips for Keeping a Parrot?

I wear many hats at Windy City Parrot.

About 30% of my week I wear my CMO hat which means Chief Marketing Officer.

In keeping well-versed in marketing I read a huge amount of content.

One recurring theme I see is this is the way I should be marketing to millennial’s.

The perfect way to market to millennial’s is……..


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Can I Use Oils And Candles Near My Pet Birds?

Can I Use Oils And Candles Near My Pet Birds?

Denise asks

I have an Amazon and a hahns macaw.

Can you please tell me what oils are safe to use once in a while in my diffusers?

I have used Scentsy, and also bath and body works candles not a lot of use at all as the scents sort of even bother me!

thank you appreciate it.



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Is There A Hormone To Calm My Over Sexed African Grey Parrot?

Is There A Hormone To Calm My Over Sexed African Grey Parrot?

I have had my male African grey parrot for 28 years.

When he matured sexually years ago he started plucking.

I have him on a plumage supplement now and he has lots of new quills and looks much better.

However, he humps my arm with a thick sweater on.

He goes to completion if I let him once a day.


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How Did TOPs Make Totally Organics Bird Food Even Better?

How Did TOPs Make Totally Organics Bird Food Even Better?

I’m not sure when we started selling TOP’s Parrot Food formally known as Totally Organics.


The distraction of moving to Indiana allowed us to move a little away from focusing on “the devil’s in the details”.


We noticed the packaging had changed as well as the titles of the food but did not really drill down into this bird food line until recently.


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