Are Peanuts Making My Blue Crown Conure Itch?

Are Peanuts Making My Blue Crown Conure Itch?

Ward asks

My blue crown conure of at least 25yrs is acting odd. He seems to be scratching and bobbing as well as if he’s just very uncomfortable.


I recently ordered some peanuts in the shell and would give him 3-4 each day as a treat.

I started noticing very small moths in my home that lead back to the bag of peanuts that was teaming with larvae.

Do you think my conure is in danger from eating these peanuts?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.


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What Kind of Bird Should I Get at 60?

What Kind of Bird Should I Get at 60?

Darla S asks:

Can you suggest a few medium-sized parrot species for a 1st-time owner about to turn 60y?

I am interested in moderation (moderate affection, playfulness, independence, friendliness, and noise) ability to talk would be a plus.

I still work full time, and live alone in my own house.


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Is Zupreem a Good Bird Food Brand for a Green Cheek Conure?

Is Zupreem a Good Bird Food Brand for a Green Cheek Conure?

Kimberly asks

Is Zupreem a good brand for a GCC?

What brands of pellets do you recommend?

Dear Kimberly

Zupreem is a very popular bird food pellet. It is a commonly found variety found almost everywhere. It is puffed and contains sweeteners which cause the birds to take to it easier than many other pellets.


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Has Anyone ‘Housebroken’ Their Parrot?

Has Anyone ‘Housebroken’ Their Parrot?

One of the answers from the big Q.


It has been done but I personally advise against it. It is unnatural for them to hold it, and if they become too well potty trained they may harm themselves if they think they can’t go at any given time.


My answer


Parrots poop about every 15 minutes on average.



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