Unraveling the Mysteries of Avian Neophobia: A Tale of Feathers and Fears

Dive into the enigmatic world of avian neophobia (Neophobia is the fear of new things), exploring the intricacies of parrot psychology and the art of introducing novelties to our feathered companions, all narrated with a twist of humor and creativity.

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Why Is It That Parrots Live So Darn Long?

In contrast to mammals, birds exhibit remarkable longevity relative to their physical size.

The higher metabolic rate, elevated body temperature, and increased resting glucose found in avian species suggest a potential amplification in the aging process.

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My Budgies Were Never Exposed to Bird Toys by the Breeder, Now What?

Dear Catherine,

Omar and Milo are not playing with those wonderful toys.

I’m thinking that the breeder that turns the young budgies over to the animal shelter had probably never exposed them to toys before and they don’t know how to play.

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Did I Rescue Two Budgies or Two Beavers?
Did I Rescue Two Budgies or Two Beavers?

Did I Rescue Two Budgies or Two Beavers?

Susan M. related,

Our two rescued parakeets, who were found outdoors separately and given to a bird rescue, are not hand tame.

They enjoy being out of their flight cage and investigating in the one room I keep closed for them.

Recently they have eaten molding, on the back of an old mirror, and the other day molding around the glass on my antique china closet.


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