How Should I Set Up My  Green Cheek Conure’s Bird Cage and How Often Should I Clean It?
Green Cheek Conure perched on a branch

How Should I Set Up My Green Cheek Conure’s Bird Cage and How Often Should I Clean It?

I own a green cheek conure. He has a pretty large cage, not sure of the exact dimensions, but I’m very confused on how to set it up, I hear that people put newspaper to line the cage with but are you supposed to put that on top of the litter or under it? Also, how often should I change the litter?

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What is the Minimum Cage Size for a Green Cheek Conure?
What is the minimum cage size for a Green Cheek Conure?

What is the Minimum Cage Size for a Green Cheek Conure?

What is the minimum bird cage size for a Green Cheek Conure?

When we first bought a cage for our GCC (Green Cheek Conure) we decided a really big one was the best option. But now it’s hell to clean it, even once a week.

What is the minimum cage size for a GCC and what can I do to keep the cage cleaner?


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My Bird Won’t Play With Toys or Eat New Foods Are Two Problems That Solve Each Other

My Bird Won’t Play With Toys or Eat New Foods Are Two Problems That Solve Each Other

A clear theme that emerges after reading endless threads on Facebook bird groups is “my bird won’t play with toys” – “my bird doesn’t play with toys” “my bird only wants to chew the keys off my notebook computer”

From Wikipedia we learn Ho·lis·tic – hōˈlistik – adjective – characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.

Another way of putting it is “we are not connecting the dots” Bird food is connected to bird toys which are connected to bird cages and bird stands and everything has to work together.

There is a large overlap of caged bird keepers who claim the birds will eat nothing new nor with a play with toys – which is the problem and the solution – we need to combine the toys with the food – for starters.


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Canaries – Nature’s IPods – Why They Sing

Canaries – Nature’s IPods – Why They Sing

Before iPods there were boomboxes. Before boomboxes, there were stereo radios. Precursors to phonographs were Victrolas.

But the way to get tunes in your home long before there was electricity was the natural sound of bird songs.

For years people would place a Canary or other singing finches in a small cage on either side of the room and whoever did that first can take credit for inventing stereo sound.

Canaries are small songbirds coming from the Finch family and were initially found in places like the Azores and believe it or not the Canary Islands.


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Cook Comfort Foods for Your Birds

Cook Comfort Foods for Your Birds

The weather is cooling off and humans like to begin cooking comfort foods such as pots of chili, chicken, and dumplings, bean soups, and other hearty meals to warm the tummy and spirit. The same applies true to your parrots.


As the weather becomes colder, we slowly lower our indoor temperatures unless we don’t care how high our heating bills run.

It is important to remember that if you are cold, your birds are chilly as well and need to have supplemental heat such as thermo perches or heated cage panels that allow them to position themselves at the temperature they prefer. (more…)

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Gemma Parakeets and Cockatiels Mixing in Cage/Aviary

Gemma Parakeets and Cockatiels Mixing in Cage/Aviary



We are loyal patrons of WCP and look forward to the Sunday brunch every week. Perhaps this topic has already come up, but it is a question about bird species.


We have 3 parakeets that get along well although they did not grow up together. All are rescues. We are thinking about adding a cockatiel to the family and are wondering about cages. So, the parakeets have a large cage (approx 2.5′ H x 2′ W X 1′ D) and we have a smaller cage (about 1.5′ HWD) that is just lying around empty.


First question: would a cockatiel require a separate cage or could they all sleep together in the same cage?


Second: Assuming that they cannot share a cage, would you recommend the keets in the smaller cage or leave them in their current habitat?


Third: Would cockatiels and parakeets be competitive/territorial in an open space (like an aviary)?


Thank you for any advice you have on this.






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Joyce About Taking Birds Outdoors

Joyce About Taking Birds Outdoors

On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 12:54 PM UTC, Joyce wrote:


We live in southern TX, and would like to take our Amazon outside since the weather is so nice this time of year. I will purchase a cage of course, but my concerns are what types of bugs and disease am I potentially going to expose her to? She will also be in a covered patio. How do I keep her safe?

Thank You,



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Should I Get My Companion Sun Conure a Buddy?

Should I Get My Companion Sun Conure a Buddy?

From Veronica

Hello again. We have chatted before. thanks for the previous advice.

We have a one-year-old female sun conure and we are thinking about getting her a buddy. Perhaps a male sun (red factor) or just another parrot critter. If we chose another species, what would you suggest as a good companion for her, not including parakeets for cockatiels?



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