The Challenge of Caring for a One-eyed African Grey

The Challenge of Caring for a One-eyed African Grey


I am truly enjoying your email newsletters. Very informative.

Need some of your advice, I have a Timneh African Gray named “Saber”, now I think about 30 years old. I ended up buying him when he was about 3-4 years old. For several months I would visit the pet shop and always stopped by Sabers cage to play and talk with him.


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Why Fans and Feathers Don’t Mix Even in the Cage
An African Grey Parrot sitting on top of his cage preening his wing feathers.

Why Fans and Feathers Don’t Mix Even in the Cage

 As summer slowly creeps back into our lives we find ourselves breaking out the box fans, reversing the direction on the ceiling fans, and putting air-conditioners back in the windows. Many people ask us how I do know if my bird’s comfortable temperature wise?
Simply stated – if you’re comfortable, you’re birds are comfortable.

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Creation of the Grey Parrot a Poem
Creation of the Grey Parrot a poem

Creation of the Grey Parrot a Poem

The Creation of the Grey Parrot
By Gloria Ridgway

Submitted by Diane Christiansen

The Creators sat by the edge of sea,
Their shining new world a joy to see
There were all the beasts of every kind;
Herbs, grasses and trees and fruiting vine.
But somehow, they noticed a lack was there,
A missing’something’ to move through the air…


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