Red Front Macaw Parrot
Additional Conure Species
There are many types of conure parrot species. We hope to have this list sorted into small medium and large Conures in the near future.
Remember, every conure is a parakeet but not every parakeet is a conure.
We consider African Grey Parrots medium large parrot species from central & west Africa.
In the wild they live on palm nuts, seeds, fruits, and leafy matter, and have even been observed eating snails.
The Creation of the Grey Parrot
By Gloria Ridgway
Submitted by Diane Christiansen
The Creators sat by the edge of sea,
Their shining new world a joy to see
There were all the beasts of every kind;
Herbs, grasses and trees and fruiting vine.
But somehow, they noticed a lack was there,
A missing’something’ to move through the air…