Why Blame Your Bird for Destroying Furniture or Injuring Itself?

Why Blame Your Bird for Destroying Furniture or Injuring Itself?

The thread below triggered the idea for this post.

It’s time to revisit the general subject of where to put your bird when it’s out of the cage.

It’s also time to look at some common sense pet bird-keeping ideas.

From Facebook:

“How do I get my bird to stop biting my neck?”

Answer: “Don’t put them on your shoulder until the bird is trained.”


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Why is It So Critical to Know Different Pet Bird Species?

Why is It So Critical to Know Different Pet Bird Species?

Why is it so important to understand the differences between bird species?


I’m not ashamed to say we get more deliveries from Amazon (like most Americans) then we care to talk about.


This week a new Amazon driver “Patrick” handed off an envelope then said “I’ve never been here before – this place looks cool.”



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How To Introduce New Toys That Parrots Should Play With
Funny budgerigar. Cute green budgie pa parrot sits in a cage and plays with a mirror. Funny tamed pet bird and her toys

How To Introduce New Toys That Parrots Should Play With

And How to Discourage Items They Should Leave Alone

I had a screen saver a while back with an umbrella cockatoo and the words (from the cockatoo’s perspective), “What’s mine is mine, what’s yours is mine, if you put it down it is mine, if I see it it is mine, but if you give it to me, I don’t want it”.

This is so true for many parrots and can be used to introduce new toys and cage additions to your bird’s environment. 


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What To Feed My 27 Birds From Finches To A Blue Front Amazon
common pet parakeet, African Grey Parrot, lovebirds, Zebra finch and Cockatielin front of white background

What To Feed My 27 Birds From Finches To A Blue Front Amazon

Hi I’m looking for a dietary regimen for an Amazon Blue Front parrot.

He is used to a seed diet and I’m looking to provide him with a healthier diet.

Do you have any recommendations?

Also, I need a healthy diet for a sun conure. A dietary regimen for parakeets and also for finches of various varieties.

I’m looking to save money considering I have 27 different birds.


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