What is Normal Jenday Conure Behavior?

What is Normal Jenday Conure Behavior?

Elaine and Mango the Jenday Conure


Dear Mitch & Catherine


I just recently got a Jenday Conure in late October and I named him Mango.


He has his royal blue feathers on his wings and tail but is not too socialized with people.


The breeder advised that he came to her, but the circumstances were unclear.


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Windy City Parrot Defines Small And Medium Size Species Of Pet Birds

Small species pet birds

Birds we classify as “Smaller” species 

FYI  There’s something like 100 species of Conures. Conures need to be subdivided into small, medium & large (which is on our to-do list)

Green cheek conures weigh 64 grams (cockatiels are about 100 grams – Patagonian conures weight about 280 grams, about the size of a Timneh African grey.

Don’t think for a minute conures can be classified into one size category

Large Canaries

Gibber Canary


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Do My Budgies and Cockatiels Feel Bored or Depressed With Their Life of Captivity?

Do My Budgies and Cockatiels Feel Bored or Depressed With Their Life of Captivity?

Captivity is a relative term. I’m not relegated to my home but I still have to pay rent, go to work, pay taxes and perform all those duties that enable me to be a good neighbor and good citizen of the world.

If captivity is all that you know, is it really captivity? We have eight budgies, all rescues. We don’t have the background on any of them but we’ve kept them flighted, and recently started leaving the door open but most don’t ever leave the cage.


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My Cockatiel Shrieks, Cackles and Trills Extremely Loudly 2 or 3 Times a Day – Help!
71688031 - funny parrot trained

My Cockatiel Shrieks, Cackles and Trills Extremely Loudly 2 or 3 Times a Day – Help!

I really want to compliment Mitch on the wonderful newsletters he sends out on Sunday Morning. They are intelligent, witty and so well written. I love the information I get from them. I’m glad you made a big deal about full spectrum lighting, because several of the bird owners I know don’t even bother to use it.

I currently have a 4 month old male cockatiel named Qi who was hand fed and tamed by the breeder In a room full of other birds of varying species. Qi is very loving, active, and fed properly and he also gets plenty of toys and attention. My only qualm is that 2 or 3 times a day he shrieks, cackles and trills extremely loudly (for at least 3 minutes each time).


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Budgie Nutrition, Cage Set Up Video & Tips

Budgie Nutrition, Cage Set Up Video & Tips

Peggie W replied – Feb 19, 8:25am

Hi, I am about to order some of the Scenic pellets for parakeets. I was just wondering how this compares to Volkman’s parakeet mix or Harrisons. I’ve been feeding my keets Volkman’s. Also, could you write more about parakeets?

No one will write about parakeets! It’s always about the larger birds. I’d like to hear more about training an older, or stubborn bird, getting them to play more. Also, more about creative cage arrangements for smaller birds.


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I’m Declaring Myself THE Caged Bird Keeper’s Influencer for the Internet.

I’m Declaring Myself THE Caged Bird Keeper’s Influencer for the Internet.

(no one else wanted the gig)

If you follow digital trends as I do, it’s impossible to not recognize “the next big thing in marketing” called influencer marketing

something that’s actually been around since 1940

All the “experts” in the many LinkedIn groups I follow and blogs I read coming across my crowded inbox have very precise instructions on how to achieve influencer marketing.

Search for influencers, connect with influencers, reach out to influencers, tell the influencers what great stuff you have, offer cash and gold bullion with the goal of a said influencer with 3 million followers on Instagram happily talking to their fans and followers about what remarkable stuff you have to say. It’s nice you have an instruction document.


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My Caique Chews on Everything in Sight – Help

My Caique Chews on Everything in Sight – Help



I love your birdie brunch and read it first thing every Sunday. Thank you!


I hope you can help me. I have an 8 yr. old white-bellied Caique. Conrad has owned me since he was 3 months old. I am also a strong proponent of flighted birds (seems to me they were made that way), so Conrad is fully-flighted.


He’s delightful and we are strongly bonded. He’s really a great bird and good company. HOWEVER, I don’t seem to be able to stop him from chewing on everything in sight. He has numerous toys of varying types and textures in all his houses (currently 3, not including travel), but when he’s out he chews on furniture, window sills, molding, electric cords, shoes, to name a few.



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