Last Updated on by Mitch Rezman
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Of the first 170 exams we had a 25% pass with 75% correct answers to 44 multiple and true/false questions
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K. Gallagher
18 Feb 2018I just want to mention that I had trouble getting the survey to work well on my laptop and ended up replying in bits and pieces and out of order. I never saw the instructions that allowed multiple answers to some of the questions, so I seem to have “lost” on most of those. Don’t know if I was the only dodo bird with that problem or not! (I’m the Kathleen with the 70 score.) But it was fun!
18 Feb 2018Sorry Kathleen – The exam is software we rent . I appreciate that you brought this to our attention and will reach out to the developer to soothe any bugs
Sylvia Ropp
18 Feb 2018I didn’t notice that you could have more than one correct answer in a question. I’m sure my score would have been higher. How about a rematch?
18 Feb 2018Sorry Sylvia – we thought we placed a note in each of the appropriate questions – I will check on that
18 Feb 2018Same problem (see my answer above) My score would have been closer to 75 or above. But as I said, my birds have benefitted from both the right and wrong answers.
18 Feb 2018I took the Birdy exam and, as a part time educator with some experience in test construction, I offer the following comments:
1. Many of the questions required more than one answer but only two said to mark all the answers that are correct. – a) I can remove blood feathers that are broken by myself but I am pretty experienced. If I weren’t I would bring the bird to the vet. (add .5 to my score for poorly constructed question.
B) Birds do have 4 toes, 2 forward and 2 backward. The other answer is also true but you did not say check all that are correct. (add 0.5 pts)
C) Birds are not always safer when fully flighted. I keep mine flighted but I do not let them outside and I am very careful about keeping the doors and windows closed wherever I have them out of their cages. They certainly not be safer if they got out. Some experts feel that birds with clipped wings are safer as pets. I don’t know who is right – they are all experts!!!! (Add one)
D) Additional bird – I don’t think any of the answers are correct. If one gets tired of the bond, maybe one shouldn’t have gotten a bird to begin with. The other answers aren’t any better. I would consider getting another bird if I found that I was not at home much during the day and I felt it would be good to have another bird for my first one to interact with. I have six now (my limit) and, while they certainly interact, I guess I got them because I so loved the bond that I had with my first and have (tried to) cultivate the same bond with all of them. It certainly doesn’t keep them from screaming, although some of them did look lonely when I adopted them. (add 1)
E) Lungs. Birds’ lungs actually have air moving in 2 directions. According to the Cornell Labs “Handbook of Bird Biology” (p. 189-190) ” Rather than a diaphragm, bird use their hinged thoracic cage and extensive system of air sacs with flexible walls… force air in and out of their stiff lungs.” The system is much more complicated that ours since some of the air inhaled is stored in caudal air sacs while unoxygenated air goes into the cranial air sacs and is then exhaled through the trachea. Because of the storage, birds can get fresh air both on inhalation and exhalation when the stored air is then forced from the caudal to the cranial air sacs. Whew! (add 1 point).
F) Bird temperature – when it is cold, I shiver and develop goose (or bird) bumpts that woul puff out my down and feathers if I had any. When hot, I sweat. Birds, however, have their little down vests that trap warm air in when it is cold and similarly insulate when it is hot. While I wouldn’t advise extremes in temperature in the home, generally if it is warm enough or cool enough for me, it will be okay for my birds. (Chloe excepted. She has a plucked tummy so I make sure that there is a heater when it is really cold outside and cooler inside. (.5 pts)
G) Bonding- My answer is just as correct as the other one since neither of them said “all birds”. Again the question did not say check all.
H) Knowing the sex of the bird. Both my answer and the other answer are correct but again, question did not say mark more than one.
I) Sleep perch. Guilty of not reading all your blogs but none of my reference books mention a soft perch. My birds have them and some use them for sleep while others use wood perches. I guess it is a birds prerogative.
J. Laying eggs. When my bird pair started laying eggs and they turned out not to be fertile (They were both females but that is another story) I talked to the vet who recommended that I let them sit for the normal gestation period, then take them away. That would keep them from continuing to lay eggs when every new egg was removed. I then took away the nesting box. (I had wanted babies). One never layed again. The other would occasionally go under the paper in the cage and lay an egg but not frequently.
Anyway, it was overall a good quiz, I did learn somethings new (like that citrus is not good for birds although the books say that they can have some citrus fruits). and I will go back and read ALL the old blogs before I take another quiz. I also got to look back through a lot of my old references so my birdies will benefit from both my right and wrong answers (except they will miss their little oranges)