Chicken Coop Cleanliness

Chicken Coop Cleanliness

Last Updated on October 1, 2023 by Mitch Rezman

Buff-colored Polish Laced Chicken. (Above)
In our email newsletter of 12/16/2012 found here: one of our readers took issue with a statement we posted highlighted in orange below. We are posting her response which hopefully will provide clarity in the issue

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Changes in the Product Lines of Foraging Toys

Changes in the Product Lines of Foraging Toys

Last Updated on October 1, 2023 by Mitch Rezman

We were recently interviewed for a pet magazine article with some interesting questions. We thought you’d enjoy our answers

1. Have you seen any noticeable changes in the product lines of bird foraging toys/ foraging treats in the past five years or so? Are more companies expanding into the foraging marketplace (bird companies that didn’t previously offer them)?

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Researching DNA Testing for Birds

Researching DNA Testing for Birds

Last Updated on October 1, 2023 by Mitch Rezman

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a researcher within the University of Glasgow and I am currently compiling a case study on one of our staff members, Dr Richard Griffiths. 
Dr. Griffiths developed a PCR technique for determining the sex of birds which I see is a service your company currently offers. We are trying to trace companies which have directly used Richard’s research which is exactly as described on your website.

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USPS Parrotlet Bird Food Vandalism
USPS Parrotlet Bird Food Vandalism

USPS Parrotlet Bird Food Vandalism

Last Updated on October 1, 2023 by Mitch Rezman

I (Dana S.) from Buffalo, ordered a Parrotlett seed to be delivered to my parents home; Don R., Schaumburg . The box was delivered at 1:30pm to my parents home and had been soaked in what they believe to be Kerosene.

The postman stated that they are aware of it. The Kerosene soaked through the box and soaked the bag of seed. Please help, my parents need the food ASAP for their bird who ran out.

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How to Get a Bird Used to a Shower Perch

How to Get a Bird Used to a Shower Perch

Last Updated on October 1, 2023 by Mitch Rezman

 I have posed the question to many bird friends on Facebook. Here are some replies. We will be posting a “cleaned up” version of this on our website to help others with the same questions.
Thank you for asking.
Catherine Tobsing
Windy City Parrot Birdie Boutique


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Should this Eagle Fly Free?

Should this Eagle Fly Free?

Last Updated on October 1, 2023 by Mitch Rezman

Since beginning to work with raptors we’ve been posting images of all birds of prey. The image above evoked some interesting responses on our Facebook fan page  today. I thought I’d share the thread on our blog.
Johanna Nydén, Amy K Hays, Noelle Sellars and 83 others like this.
Freedom Lives These birds shouldn’t have “handlers” for crissakes. This bird looks sick! It should be FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! humans are so assuming, its disgusting.
4 hours ago · Like

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Are Cage Covers Good for Bird Warmth?

Are Cage Covers Good for Bird Warmth?

Last Updated on October 1, 2023 by Mitch Rezman

Bob writes, Regarding your Cozzzy Pet Cage Covers.
Does this cover do anything to keep birds warm? Our house is toasty during the day due to solar gain but gets very cool/cold at night.

Will this cover help to keep my 5-month-old Lovebird warm at night? I’m worried about the impending cold!


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Bird Food Pellet Conversion Made Easy

Bird Food Pellet Conversion Made Easy

Last Updated on October 1, 2023 by Mitch Rezman

We get a lot of people who call and e-mail asking how to convert their birds to a pellet diet. The advantage of a pellet bird food diet is that pellets are considered engineered foods. In other words the bird food manufacturers decide what components are necessary for a nutritious diet and then they blend the ingredients by grinding them up and extruding them so that each individual pellet contains a precisely controlled diet. 


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Keeping Birds Safe in Power Outages

Keeping Birds Safe in Power Outages

Last Updated on October 1, 2023 by Mitch Rezman

Are there any products that would help keep a bird warm in an extended power outage, like the one we recently experienced here on the east coast? Is there such a thing as a battery-operated heat lamp, or some similar product?

Dear Pat

One solution that can help for a shorter period is a milk jug filled with hot water, then placed under a blanket that the cage is wrapped in, or if small birds put right in the cage.


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