Keeping Birds Safe in Power Outages

Keeping Birds Safe in Power Outages

Are there any products that would help keep a bird warm in an extended power outage, like the one we recently experienced here on the east coast? Is there such a thing as a battery-operated heat lamp, or some similar product?

Dear Pat

One solution that can help for a shorter period is a milk jug filled with hot water, then placed under a blanket that the cage is wrapped in, or if small birds put right in the cage.


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Seeking Foraging Bird Toys

Seeking Foraging Bird Toys

 Didn’t you tell me that you are low on “parrot foraging” toys”?. My son decided to make a couple of simple foraging toys for Danny.
Foraging toy is a vague term 
It is a bird toy that can be used to hold toys, treats, or just become torn up.
A lot of toys for parrots for years were made so they could not be destroyed like a chain with hard beads or a heavy bell, big plastic rings, etc, they lasted forever but were boring.

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Feather Plucking Rosella
Crimson Rosella bird eating in the sunlight in The Grampians, Australia

Feather Plucking Rosella


My name is Catherine and I have a western rosella for a year now. My husband is her favorite one as she sits on his shoulder and listens to what he says.
The problem is that for a few months now, she started pulling off her feathers and we can’t stop her. We try not to leave her alone for many hours, put her out of the cage to fly and find her new toys to play but she keeps that habit on.
What else can I do? Should I bring her a male one? Please help me if you can…
Thank you


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