Is Wing Trimming Easy?
Hi Cat,
I won’t make it two or three weeks without the Intune Macaw and I don’t want to switch them back to the Hagen just because I don’t want to keep messing with their diet. Which one is easier for you to get?
Hello Catherine,
Mitch asked me to send a pic or two of the birdcage and bird after setup. Well, please find attached.
Ajay S.
Bob writes, Regarding your Cozzzy Pet Cage Covers.
Does this cover do anything to keep birds warm? Our house is toasty during the day due to solar gain but gets very cool/cold at night.
Will this cover help to keep my 5-month-old Lovebird warm at night? I’m worried about the impending cold!
Are there any products that would help keep a bird warm in an extended power outage, like the one we recently experienced here on the east coast? Is there such a thing as a battery-operated heat lamp, or some similar product?
Dear Pat
One solution that can help for a shorter period is a milk jug filled with hot water, then placed under a blanket that the cage is wrapped in, or if small birds put right in the cage.
Someone has contacted you via your listing on “FOUND: IL, Chicago, Lutino Cockatiel, Sep. 24. 12”
Name: Karen R
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (XXX) 555-6604
Foraging toy is a vague term
The problem is that for a few months now, she started pulling off her feathers and we can’t stop her. We try not to leave her alone for many hours, put her out of the cage to fly and find her new toys to play but she keeps that habit on.