Short Circuit From Love to Attack Behavior With My Rainbow Lory Recently

Short Circuit From Love to Attack Behavior With My Rainbow Lory Recently

Connie S wrote:

I looked at the anatomy of a bird’s brain that you had in a recent email.

I would like to know more about the portion that says: Short Circuit from love to attack behavior!

That is happening with my rainbow lory recently.

He is 18 years old and has suddenly started attacking my hand when I reach to have him climb on my finger.

Otherwise, he hangs out with me with no problem – when I’m sitting in a chair or lying on the bed. (more…)

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Lorikeets 62 Species of Nectar Slurping Seed Eating Carnivores

Lorikeets 62 Species of Nectar Slurping Seed Eating Carnivores

Sandra wrote: Hi, I just want to say that I absolutely love the Sunday Birdie Brunch and was wondering If I could request a topic on lorikeet diet, scaley breasted lorikeet in flight My cutie loves her daily fruit veg and lory mix. Do you recommend a certain mix for lories? blue lorikeet I have Joy and Wombaroo at the moment, and the textures and ingredients are so different!


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Scientists Fundraise for Conures

Scientists Fundraise for Conures

Did you know the sun conure may be facing extinction in the wild, and you can help? There is a real need for more surveys to establish their status in nature. The 2014 estimates published on the IUCN database are between 1,000 and 1,499 mature birds. Some of the last known sun conures live in Guyana, a country with a small human population and a lot of forest and savannah grasslands.

The IUCN page mentions that the trade in wild conures is “ongoing” because “due to the ease with which birds can be attracted to bait (e.g. corn) and the large distances they will travel, it is easy to trap all the individuals in an area.” Quoted from Jamie Gilardi.


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Is Winter Stressing Your Bird Out?

Is Winter Stressing Your Bird Out?

Birds have a highly developed sense of light. In humans, we perceive light through our eyes.
Our feathered friends have an additional way of interpreting light conditions, a special gland that surrounds the eye. Read more on this
As days get shorter and the temperature falls, we want you to be aware of some issues the changing weather may have on your birds.
In the wild, animals rely on the cycling of the sun, and the seasons to adjust their biological clocks and metabolism. It is the sun, and changes in the quality of light and length of the day which set the stage for breeding, migration, molting, and daily behavior patterns.


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Avian Respiration Diseases

Avian Respiration Diseases

Anatomy and function

The upper respiratory system (URS) consists of the external nares, operculum, nasal concha, infraorbital sinus, and choanal slit.


The nares are paired symmetrical openings with an operculum within each. The nares each communicate with the nasal cavity containing the concha.


The left and right nasal cavities are separated by a septum. The nasal cavity communicates with the left and right infraorbital sinus.


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Change Is Essential for Your Bird to Accept It

Change Is Essential for Your Bird to Accept It

Editor’s note: you will read these words later in the post:

Hi Catherine.  Peaches has always been in my small bird room with the cockatiels, lovebirds, Meyers, Quakers, conures, and a very skittish white-capped Pionus I adopted last year.  It’s been a long road to get her to accept me.  Peaches doesn’t like to be near (within 2  feet) other birds.

Otherwise she tolerates them so I am sure she is loving all the attention Mitch is giving her.  She was out of her cage (24 X 22) morning and afternoon for a total of two hours.  She also enjoyed being on the jungle gym in the kitchen area.  I have never used a water bottle with her. She doesn’t throw food in her water.  Since I am home all day.  Water dishes get changed twice a day if needed.


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