How To Contact Windy City Parrot:
How To Contact Windy City Parrot: email: [email protected] Phone (Toll Free): 1-877-287-0810 Phone (Local/International): 1-312-492-9673 Fax: 1-312-492-9674 Store: 906 N. Western Ave Chicago IL 60622
How To Contact Windy City Parrot: email: [email protected] Phone (Toll Free): 1-877-287-0810 Phone (Local/International): 1-312-492-9673 Fax: 1-312-492-9674 Store: 906 N. Western Ave Chicago IL 60622
Healthy adult cockatiels usually weigh 78 to 125 grams. Birds should always be weighed in grams, which is a metric measurement. (There are approximately 28 grams in an ounce.) It is important that a bird is weighed on an accurate gram scale. Electronic scales are available for purchase from bird-supply companies and office-supply retailers. These can be modified by installing a lightweight perch to facilitate weighing birds.
All diets are:
Higgins Premium Pet Foods, our primary mission is to produce the healthiest, natural diets and treats for your feathered or furry pets. We formulate our premium seed blends with unique and exotic ingredients from the highest quality sources around the world. All of our foods and treats are free of any chemical preservatives.
Busy beaks are happy beaks! A minimum of ten toys should hang in a well-furnished cage. Parrots should not be easily seen in their cage. This their home and they…
Editorial No Name Cages - Whose makin' em? As we struggle with higher gas prices, seek to cut back on summer vacations & find ways to save money on pet…
Weighing your bird weekly is the best way to detect illness early. Birds are great at hiding illness and rapid weight change is a positive indicator that your bird needs…
African Grey (Congo) X-Wide African Grey (Timneh) Wide Amazon X-Wide Amazon (Double yellow head) X-Wide Amazon (Panama) Wide Plus Budgie (English) X-Small Caique Medium Cameron (African Grey) X-Wide…
Adults; Younger (less than 5 months old), immature or lean birds MAY be better served by the next smaller size in each category. (PLEASE chose carefully, Flight Suits,…
Bird Flight Suit Frequently Asked Questions
What is a FlightSuit?
FlightSuits are cleverly disguised soft, stretchy, reusable pet bird diapers. They allow your feathered friends out of their cages both in and out of the house; worry-free from embarrassing accidents (poop) or dangerous fly-aways.
Easy to put on and take off. Great for travel. Breathable, easy to clean fabric. Use them over and over for years. The patented “poop-pouch” safely keeps droppings away from birds and you. Serving Avian Enthusiasts Since 1993 906 N western AveChicago, IL 60622 877.287.0810 Toll Free 312.492.9673 Local Phone Orders - Product Questions - Expert Advice - Credit Card Info…