Can You Recommend a Quality Air Cleaner for My 3 Parrots?

Can You Recommend a Quality Air Cleaner for My 3 Parrots?

Virginia V. writes,




I have a blue and gold macaw, an orange wing Amazon, and an African grey. They have been living together for over 30 years. Each has a separate gigantic cage in a medium-size room with windows all around.


When I am home they have the ability to follow me around on the first floor.


I am in desperate need of an air cleaner. What would you recommend? Thank you so much for your Sunday morning messages.



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Are Essential Oils Safe to Use Around Parrots?

Are Essential Oils Safe to Use Around Parrots?

Linda is concerned with using essential oils around her bird,


Are essential oils safe to use around parrots? Like on the family dog. Not diffuser. Would you share your insight, please? Thank you, Linda and flock

Hi Linda

We discourage essential oils in a bird home simply because it’s oil. The oil can merge into floating particulates or aerosols that can line the nasal passage and respiratory system reducing a bird’s ability to breathe.



I’ve added a video about avian respiratory systems below.


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Nutrition for My Indian Ringneck Parakeet
yellow indian ringneck parakeet feeding in cage

Nutrition for My Indian Ringneck Parakeet

Mitch can you give me some information on nutrition for my IRP?

For whatever reason, he is a picky eater, unlike most as I have read. He hardly eats any seeds. I currently feed him cream of rice with Harrison pellets and I put the missing link ultimate avian in it.

I can’t get him to eat hardly any vegetables/greens as I offer them daily. I give him mixed vegetables with added corn and he eats mostly the corn and picks at the rest of it. He does well with fruit, grapes, apples, kiwi, bananas.

He likes the Higgins worldly cuisines Tuscan dream.


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Why Higgins Worldly Cuisines is Comfort Food for Your Birds

Why Higgins Worldly Cuisines is Comfort Food for Your Birds

Old guy (70 on 3/7/2022) that I am I’ve always enjoyed a steaming bowl of oatmeal on a cold morning. What makes me feel warm at the beginning of the day is the same thing that will make your tropical bird a little more balanced in their counterintuitive environment that we call winter.

Call it “Comfort Food” for your birds.

There are fewer wild-caught parrots in captivity these days which means chances are, your bird was hand bred and fed yummy, soft gooey, hand feeding formula as a chick. Cooked bird food is a reminder of those comfy days just out of the nest. 

The soft, warm, nutritious blend of fruits, vegetables, and spices is easy on your bird’s crop which helps reduce the stress of an unnatural cool, dry habitat. (more…)

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Our Roof Is Getting Replaced What to Do With Our Birds?

Our Roof Is Getting Replaced What to Do With Our Birds?

Ann L. asks about ~Roof and Parakeets

A friend referred me here as I have 2 older Parakeets – 8 and 13 1/2 years old.

They fly free living on top floor condo 24/7 although very aware of the cage, choose not to go inside probably because their play areas provide great comfort so they sleep in them also in different sections according to seasons it seems.

They are supervised 24/7.

However, an upcoming roof replacement/repair project is of much concern due to the obvious very loud, unexpected rhythm of banging that will occur.


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How Dangerous Is Sharing Veggies in Grocery Deli Trays?

How Dangerous Is Sharing Veggies in Grocery Deli Trays?

Linda and her FIDs are curious,

Hi, thanks for all your advice. How dangerous or not is sharing small amounts of veggies from tray from grocery store deli?

I often eat veggie trays for meals and want to share with CAG, G2, and GCC. If occasionally do you think it’s a treat snd. K? Normally their greens come from organic sources through the co-op.

We respect your advice.

Thank you, Linda & flock


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Is a Fruit and Vegetable Diet Enough for my BF Amazon?

Is a Fruit and Vegetable Diet Enough for my BF Amazon?

Jan H is worried about her Blue Front Amazon’s diet and relates,


Willie is doing fine on a variety of fresh fruit and veggies, plus Harrison’s Adult Lifetime pellets and Higgins Safflower Gold for Parrots. Should I change or add anything?


Dear Jan

As they say, don’t fix what works. If your bird is healthy on its current diet, stick with it. The only change I would recommend is instead of Fruits and Vegetables, it should be Vegetables and Fruit.


Meaning more veggies, less fruit, especially the super sweet ones, and little to no citrus which includes tomatoes.


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Whats the Best Way to Introduce a New Carrier to My Cockatoo?

Whats the Best Way to Introduce a New Carrier to My Cockatoo?

Patricia N. explains,


I have an Umbrella Cockatoo and have a new travel cage arriving soon. Always hard to get it to try anything new and he’s not a fan of cages, other than his usual ‘home’ cage.


Any tips on how best to get him inside his new travel cage. Thank you


Dear Patricia 


Set it up right next to the bird’s regular cage. On a table to raise it up if possible. Put some food in it, treats, toys, and let your bird check it out.


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