Why Should I Weigh My Bird Regularly?

Why Should I Weigh My Bird Regularly?

This scale will weigh any size parrot or parakeet. Got a long tail Ringneck? Place the scale on edge of the counter or table and let the tail hang over ~ see video below)

I don’t have time to weigh my bird, just came off your caged bird keepers excuse list.
  • Weight Range from 0~3000g (105.8219 oz)
  • Measures Grams and Ounces
  • Precise to 0.1oz and accurate digital kitchen scale with Zero and Tare function
  • High precision strain gauge sensor
  • Auto-off while not using


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Do Your Birds “Go Off” When You’re Talking on the Phone?

Do Your Birds “Go Off” When You’re Talking on the Phone?

Donna L. asks,


Good Morning Mitch and Catherine,


I was wondering if you have heard from any other bird owners or have maybe experienced yourselves that my Bird (a Dusky Conure named Terry) seems to shall we say “ Go Off “ whenever we are talking on our cell phone.


He becomes very agitated and LOUD and well basically obnoxious to where you have to leave the room if you want to have a conversation with someone.


Is there something about the sound waves that come through a cell phone perhaps?


Because he is perfectly fine when we are just speaking to one another but as soon as you add the cell phone factor in he KNOWS the difference.


I appreciate any feedback you have to offer.



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Why Do We Have a Difficult Time With Our Pineapple Conure?

Why Do We Have a Difficult Time With Our Pineapple Conure?

Lisa N.  writes:


Hi Catherine,


We are having a really difficult time with our Pineapple Conure.


We know he’s going through puberty but he has always been good with my husband now he bites all the time and won’t go in his cage.


When we try he just flies away and he has his times where he can be sweet but most of the time he’s a little hellion.



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What Is a Healthy Weight for an Adult Normal Grey Cockatiel?

What Is a Healthy Weight for an Adult Normal Grey Cockatiel?

Gail H. wrote:

I have a very healthy 2-1/2 yr. old Cockatiel and he is still a baby to me.

I am wondering what weight is a healthy weight for him.

He has been molting since about 8 wks ago and of course, the molt is getting less now.


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How Do We Overcome Temporary Care Problems for 2 Budgies?

How Do We Overcome Temporary Care Problems for 2 Budgies?

Lisa N. wrote:


Hi, Catherine hope all is well.


We have been really busy my son is moving to his new home in a few weeks and working a lot of hours so we taking care of his 2 parakeets.


Ricky is older than Kiwi.


When we take them out of the cages for exercise little Kiwi will chase after Ricky and Ricky just wants to do his own thing and trying to get him back in the cage is very difficult my son.


He says Kiwi is always like that but I thought the parakeets got along.



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Do You Know What Glue or Bonding Materials Are Bird-safe?

Do You Know What Glue or Bonding Materials Are Bird-safe?

Jennnifer T. relates:

I’m a parent to 4 feathered friends, my eldest being a 26-year-old quaker who is way too smart for his own good.


I’ve been collecting old toys and have been recreating them into different toys hoping they may be interested.


Does anyone know of glue or other bonding material that is bird safe?


I’ve been using rope and twisties but could do more with glue.


Appreciate any feedback.



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Keeping Birds and Parrots Flighted

Keeping Birds and Parrots Flighted

Hello All

And thanks for your contributions to this often difficult topic.

Yes, it is true that flighted birds may have accidents, which some folks may attribute to their being flighted.

But then birds whose flight has been impaired also have accidents due to flight impairment.

Clipped birds are vulnerable to death during escape from cats, dogs and being run down by vehicles.


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That Hookbill In Your Home – How Much Do You Know About Bird Beaks?

That Hookbill In Your Home – How Much Do You Know About Bird Beaks?

Rotary trimmers are becoming very popular when people realize how easy it is to trim their own bird’s nails while saving money at the same time.

Although we recommend using an electric nail trimmer to keep your bird’s nails trimmed neatly we do not recommend that you attempt to trim your bird’s beak.

It’s a sensitive organ and has a lot of sensory receptors and which could potentially be very painful to your bird if handled in the wrong way, which got me to thinking about today’s topic.


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