Eclectus toe tapping and wing flipping issues

Eclectus toe tapping and wing flipping issues

Image above – Female Eclectus r. vosmaeri at North Carolina Zoo, no other subspecies combines a purple abdomen and clear yellow undertail coverts.

Hi Mitch,

I just read your piece on eclectus, and I have a question.


If the elongated digestive tract is urban myth, then why does my bird develop the eclectus toe-tapping and wing-flipping if he has been given regular pellets and/or too many vitamins?

What would cause this?





Let’s start with the toe tapping wings flapping things.



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Exercise Your Bird – Why and How – Videos

Exercise Your Bird – Why and How – Videos

We focus on bird and parrot nutrition a lot here because of the complexity of a bird’s anatomy.

Birds require far more energy than their ground-based counterparts.

Migratory birds fly at high altitudes where the air is thin.

You and I would require supplemental oxygen at those altitudes.


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Egad, Ants Are in My Birds Cage & How the Heck Can Ants Be Good for a Bird?

Egad, Ants Are in My Birds Cage & How the Heck Can Ants Be Good for a Bird?

Updated 4/2/19

Hi Mitch,
I wrote to you last year with my ant guard idea (below), but I improved it after that and thought I’d share my improvement of the scheme.
The cage legs in plastic sandwich bags inside cups of water eventually didn’t work.
The bags developed holes letting water in and causing the metal to begin to rust.
I then put the legs directly inside the cups, and put the cups into plastic tubs with water inside themAnt moats 3.0, so to speak.


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Eclectus Parrot Elongated Digestive Tract – Fact Or Fiction?
87956343 - the male bright green and female red and blue eclectus parrots are next to each other

Eclectus Parrot Elongated Digestive Tract – Fact Or Fiction?

Here’s an earlier eclectus parrot feeding question from our database:

I’ve read different articles on how much fruit to give my ekkies.

Some say it is ok to give them as much as they eat and others say the veggies should be their top priority.

I do try to give them an equal amount but it seems they have gotten picky about their vegetables lately.

I have been giving them different varieties and mixing up how I serve them – warm, cool, different spices on them but they still prefer the fruit.


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7 Budgie And Parakeet Questions Answered

7 Budgie And Parakeet Questions Answered

Question about Male Parakeet.


Every time I put my arm in the cage he attacks it, or he flies at me when I look in the cage.


My female looks depressed like she would rather he move out.


She used to be so happy.


I got her first, then him a couple of months after.


She would sing, and play with her toys.



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What Is a Good Summary About How It Is to Own Parrots (Macaws Specifically)?
29715768 - set parrots and parakeets

What Is a Good Summary About How It Is to Own Parrots (Macaws Specifically)?

I don’t know that there’s enough storage space on the Quora servers to answer this.


I read that parrots are loud, noisy, and messy – a lot.

Then again so are children.

Let’s start with a top-level explanation.

Pet people in the disciple category will always react negatively towards the word own preferring instead to call it pet bird companionship.

In reality, birds are the most owned pets we can have.

We have to lock them up in a bird jail.


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