Can You Help Me Find a Helmet for a CAG With Photosensitivity?

Can You Help Me Find a Helmet for a CAG With Photosensitivity?

Last Updated on by Catherine Tobsing

Hi Mitch,

I have been searching for a “helmet” for a CAG (Congo African grey vs a TAG Timneh African grey) who has a photosensitivity issue in her eye from cataract surgery.

I want to find her a device she can were to make her eyesight more comfortable.

The parakeet in the helmet jumped out at me when I saw it. Do you know anyone who might be able to fabricate such headwear for Marie?

Thanks for all the helpful info,

Pat Hill

Can Lighting Benefit My Blue Crown Conure With Cataracts?

Thank you, Mitch. Will check that post out.


Feathered factoid: A Peregrine falcon can use its 5th (we have 3) avian eye cone equivalents, to increase the contrast of a “dull” sky against its targeted prey ~ at 300 forkin MPH!

Practicing a two-minute drill, Pat, I found that you can look at falconry hoods.

“Anti Pecking” chicken glasses may provide a solution (if only they worked for people ~ sigh).

I’ll keep looking, in the meantime feel free to explore more Windy City Parrot pet bird care content with posts related to pet bird cataracts below.

Answers For A Cockatiel Pulling Out His Wing Feathers And A Cockatiel With Cataracts

Can A Macaw Parrot Get Cataracts?

Bonus from RedHeadedCatBirds blog

Why Did Two 10-Minute (human) Cataract Surgeries Take 7 Weeks?

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