Are Peanuts Making My Blue Crown Conure Itch?

Are Peanuts Making My Blue Crown Conure Itch?

Ward asks

My blue crown conure of at least 25yrs is acting odd. He seems to be scratching and bobbing as well as if he’s just very uncomfortable.


I recently ordered some peanuts in the shell and would give him 3-4 each day as a treat.

I started noticing very small moths in my home that lead back to the bag of peanuts that was teaming with larvae.

Do you think my conure is in danger from eating these peanuts?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.


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How Can I Learn To Care For Every Pet Bird Type On The Planet?

How Can I Learn To Care For Every Pet Bird Type On The Planet?

Having the responsibility of digital marketing for Windy City Parrot I Recently Googled the term “parrot care.”


A keyword phrase we need to rank for much better. 


What singularly struck me was a mediocrity of information for the top-ranked links on page 1 of Google’s search results.


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What Are Some Tips for Keeping a Parrot?

What Are Some Tips for Keeping a Parrot?

I wear many hats at Windy City Parrot.

About 30% of my week I wear my CMO hat which means Chief Marketing Officer.

In keeping well-versed in marketing I read a huge amount of content.

One recurring theme I see is this is the way I should be marketing to millennial’s.

The perfect way to market to millennial’s is……..


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Where Do I Find Off-hour Emergency Veterinary Care? (and much more)
Where Do I Find Off-hour Emergency Veterinary Care? (and much more)

Where Do I Find Off-hour Emergency Veterinary Care? (and much more)

A while back I wrote about 

Help! My Bird’s Egg Bound but the Vet Won’t be In Until Tomorrow.

I was talking on the phone to Dr. Byron de la Navarre recently about avian vitamin D3 testing (under wraps during research) when we got off-track for a moment and began a conversation about veterinary emergency care for birds.

So your task for today after you’re done with brunch is to find a local emergency care veterinary facility (if you have one in your area), make a note, and put it on the refrigerator


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Do You Think That Birds Are Unhappy in a Bird Cage?

Do You Think That Birds Are Unhappy in a Bird Cage?

The problem with Quora is that anecdotal answers are opinions, not answers.


Another problem with answering this question is where would we find benchmarks for bird happiness?


I know when my ringneck is happy eating because he talks to his food.

If anyone walks into a room where he was alone for more than 2 minutes he will insist on “conversation: with him doing most of the talking.


But communicating his happiness or displeasure about any of his birdcages (he has 4), is something still opaque to me.



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