Why Should I Weigh My Bird Regularly?

Why Should I Weigh My Bird Regularly?

This scale will weigh any size parrot or parakeet. Got a long tail Ringneck? Place the scale on edge of the counter or table and let the tail hang over ~ see video below)

I don’t have time to weigh my bird, just came off your caged bird keepers excuse list.
  • Weight Range from 0~3000g (105.8219 oz)
  • Measures Grams and Ounces
  • Precise to 0.1oz and accurate digital kitchen scale with Zero and Tare function
  • High precision strain gauge sensor
  • Auto-off while not using


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How Did I End Up With a Bird Mite Infestation?

How Did I End Up With a Bird Mite Infestation?

Donna L. is concerned,




I have heard about rope perches and all of the “pros” make sense except one con, their nails getting caught in the threads.


I don’t have Henny’s, my beautiful 21-year-old Meyers, nails clipped because she falls off of me or various other things.


She is free flight in the house, unless I am doing anything that could hurt her, or when I need my time.



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Why Does My African Grey Picks His Feathers?

Why Does My African Grey Picks His Feathers?

Rachel C. is concerned,

My African grey picks his feathers.

He has free roam of the house with a large perch in the living room.

He doesn’t like water and doesn’t like any toy I get him.

He does like the challenge of taking the lids off old pill bottles to find a treat.

He likes very few people.He definitely does not like little people. He goes outside with me and enjoys climbing around. I put him in the cage


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I Am Horrified With the Answer About What Temperature Is Safe

I Am Horrified With the Answer About What Temperature Is Safe

Mitch, I am horrified at the answer you gave the woman who wrote to you asking what temperature is safe when taking her Parrot camping

Your answer was very open-ended–too open to interpretation.

I have a very extensive science and medicine background so your answer horrified me because there are so many people of all ages with such differing temperature tolerances.

I have seen on more than 2 occasions people outside in weather in the 20s-30s Fahrenheit temperature range out and about without a jacket and in a thin shirt or top.


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Why Are My Green Cheek Conures Unable to Fly When Wet?

Why Are My Green Cheek Conures Unable to Fly When Wet?

Chris T. is concerned about:


My 2 birds are not repelling some of the water.


I’m not sure how to state this but the water would bead up and not get completely wet.


After bathing could fly. Now they are completely wet and cannot fly.


I am wondering if they have a vitamin deficiency, or it can just be age?



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How Do I Get My Rescue African Grey Parrot to Bathe?

How Do I Get My Rescue African Grey Parrot to Bathe?

Gail M. would like to know


My birds are all rescues.


I have a CAG (Congo African Grey) of about 18.


He is I believe in a Featherland cage.


Very large four feet wide and two deep dome top.


The dishes for food and water have a bar across to keep them from falling into the cage and having a transparent cover outside.


He tries to bathe in the water dish.



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What Is the Lowest Temperature Can My 2 Greys Survive Outside?
Two beautiful gray parrots on the branches

What Is the Lowest Temperature Can My 2 Greys Survive Outside?

Grae W. wonders


Hello, I have two 21-year-old grays, that I have had since they were young babies.


They are very healthy and happy birds. In the winter months, in the south (NC), I put them out in their cage on sunny, non-windy days, if it’s above 47 degrees.


As their cage loses the sun, I bring them in, and put them on their perch, in a glass door walk-in shower.


I have asthma, so must not bring in their cage.



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