What Is a Reliable Bird-safe Emergency Heat Source?

What Is a Reliable Bird-safe Emergency Heat Source?

Jean R. is concerned,


I have a middle-aged white-capped Pionus parrot. 


I live in North Carolina in an apartment that uses electric heat. 


I chose this apartment for my parrot because I ran into issues with gas leaks at other places and was concerned about my bird. 


But in making the switch I lost the option to use gas logs in a winter loss of power in cold weather (which we had last winter).


 I do not even get hot water.  



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How Do I Handle My Deceased Partners Double Yellow Head Amazon?

I have my partner’s Double Yellow Head Amazon (Hen) he had her 35 years, (he figured she was about 5 yrs old when he got her), I was with him the last 25 years.


He passed away on 1-14-20 Congestive Heart Failure.


I had never handled her I was afraid of being bitten, but I started just after he died I figured it was not would she bite me but when & how hard. In the last year, she has only bitten me maybe 7 or 8 times and only drew blood 3 times.



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A Congo Greys Companion’s Feather Plucking Questions Answered
An African Gray Parrot Plucking Her Breast Feathers on Top of Her Cage

A Congo Greys Companion’s Feather Plucking Questions Answered

First name: Peggy C.


How long has your bird been plucking? 


Approximately 7 years 


Species (please be specific, as an example, there are 43 species of Macaws) 


Congo African Grey parrot


Your bird’s sex if (known) by DNA or feather color (dimorphic bird)? 




Your bird’s age? 




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Traveling with Your Bird? Here’s Your How To’s
A blue and yellow macaw performs a trick involving a toy car at the KL Bird Park in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Traveling with Your Bird? Here’s Your How To’s

Air travel with your bird is a post all its own so today we’ll focus on terrestrial travel.
We are moving all comments from the old style blog to this new fancy schmancy one, by hand. Any comments made today and moving forward, will be made under your own profile. We apologize for any confusion and hope this new format will help make us all better pet bird keepers.  (more…)

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How Do I Reduce My Male Budgies Aggression?

How Do I Reduce My Male Budgies Aggression?

I look forward to getting your email every Sunday and reading it has become as much a ritual as the old Sunday paper.

And now I have a question for you.

Thunder and Lightning are my bonded parakeets.

I’ve had them for years.

Last summer I saw more and more breeding activity, so I bought a box and let nature take its course.

Thunder laid four eggs, one of which was fertilized.


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Do Parrots Know What They’re Saying or Are They Just Repeating Sounds?

Do Parrots Know What They’re Saying or Are They Just Repeating Sounds?

The following are the leading paragraphs to some of the more than 30 answers to this question on Quora.

“My African Grey has startled me so many times that I now assume he knows what he’s saying, even if he doesn’t always choose to communicate on that level with My African Grey has startled me so many times that I now assume he knows what he’s saying, even if he doesn’t always choose to communicate on that level with me”.


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8 Simple Actions You Can Take to Keep Your Bird Healthy
Veterinarian doctor is making a check up of a kramer parrot. Veterinary Concept.

8 Simple Actions You Can Take to Keep Your Bird Healthy

1 – Weigh your bird

Birds are prey animals. Evolution has taught them that if they look weak they are more subject to an attack by a predator in the wild. Thus it is not uncommon to see a bird appear to be healthy one day then fall over dead the next because there are no visual symptoms like you can see with a cat or dog.

One of the most precise tools you can obtain for a mere $19 is our best bird scale ever which can be used to weigh birds from budgies to large macaws.

When you weigh your bird regularly at least twice a month you can easily see large swings in weight gain or loss possibly indicating an illness without being visible by looking at the bird.


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When and Where Did Your Bird Learn the Difference Between Right and Wrong?

When and Where Did Your Bird Learn the Difference Between Right and Wrong?

When and where did your bird learn the difference between right and wrong?


How does your macaw know the difference between a $6000 Bubinga wood armoire and a $300 wooden bird play stand you bought from Windy City Parrot?


What have you done to teach your bird chewing on the stand is right, chewing on the furniture is wrong?



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