The Challenge of Caring for a One-eyed African Grey

The Challenge of Caring for a One-eyed African Grey


I am truly enjoying your email newsletters. Very informative.

Need some of your advice, I have a Timneh African Gray named “Saber”, now I think about 30 years old. I ended up buying him when he was about 3-4 years old. For several months I would visit the pet shop and always stopped by Sabers cage to play and talk with him.


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Appropriate Types of Perches for Bird Cages

It’s OK for a perch to be a little smaller or larger in diameter. Basically don’t install a perch too large that a bird’s foot can’t grab comfortably (except for manicure perches) and may cause a bird to fall. Conversely, too small a diameter may allow a bird’s foot to wrap all the way around and cause pain or injury to its own foot.

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Alpha Male Macaw Tip
Blue and yellow macaw parrot with clipped stretched wings on branch in bird park

Alpha Male Macaw Tip Helpful Hint: Alpha Male Macaw Solution

A Greenwing Macaw owner and a very good customer were in the shop the other night. We got to talking about the “intimidation factor” of big birds. The man’s children are adults but are not comfortable around his Macaw named Mac.

He and his wife got the bird at 5 months old and have had Mac for about a year and a half.


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Is Propane Heat Safe for My Bird?

Is Propane Heat Safe for My Bird?

Question: Would a hot water bottle be a good option for emergency heat when the power is out, single-digit temp outside, etc.? Two quarts are a lot of water to heat with emergency fuel (without gassing everyone).
What is the minimum amount of water that would be effective? Do you have suggestions for other heat sources? Thanks, Lee


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Control Your Bird With the Amazing Zombie Death Grip!

Control Your Bird With the Amazing Zombie Death Grip!

We buy mortgage insurance for our homes and auto insurance for our cars.

We buy cars with airbags because they’re safer

We wear bicycle helmets.

We make our kids wear bicycle helmets.

When we have a babysitter watch our children we provide a list of numbers where we can be reached.

We bring a bird into our home who could conceivably be with us for decades and yet we fail to take the fundamental steps to help us cope with avian emergencies that will – eventually happen.


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Does a Bird’s Molt Affect It’s Flight?

Does a Bird’s Molt Affect It’s Flight?

 Hi Mitch,

You were kind enough to answer a question I had ages ago, so I hope you will again.
I have a 6 yr old double yellow Amazon. I got him when he was four months old. I have never clipped his wings and he is used to flying all over my house, shadowing me everywhere. This year he is molting but he is losing feathers strangely.

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