Why Buying a Name Brand Bird Cage is Important
A week doesn’t go by that we get one or two requests for bird cage parts. The most often requested is the bird cage slide-out tray or pan.
A week doesn’t go by that we get one or two requests for bird cage parts. The most often requested is the bird cage slide-out tray or pan.
I’m laid up with abroken ankle (bummer! summer!) and I notice he’s the cageguy.
I find cages so frustrating, as they almost deliver what you want, but never quite.
Dear Barb
The moths, we do have a product that works wonders to catch and eliminate grain moths.
We received your order for an HQ 13221 bird cage.
I have found our distributor is out of them until perhaps Thursday.
Can you wait?
Yesterday I received my order number WCP-57541 (3 32oz Lixit bottles and 3 32oz Lixit stoppers). I realized immediately upon opening the box that I had purchased the incorrect size – what I really need are 3 16oz Lixit bottles and 3 16oz Lixit stoppers).
Windy city Parrot makes the following bird cage bar spacing and perch diameters.
Every website has recommended cage sizes. We can’t recommend what size cage to buy. We don’t know your needs. We don’t know how much room you have. We don’t know how much social time your bird experiences.
This item has been discontinued by the manufacturer
Installation/Mounting Instructions: For mounting a set of skirts to the cage door (one skirt on outside of cage door and one skirt on inner side of cage door):