Problems With My 42 YO Amazon Parrot I Adopted 12 Years Ago
I really like reading all the information you provide about birds,

Problems With My 42 YO Amazon Parrot I Adopted 12 Years Ago

jenn7558 relates,

I really like reading all the information you provide about birds, and most particularly, domesticated ones.

I just read your latest that talks about the way to arrange walls of toys and the reasons for doing that.

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Why Do Pet Bird Keepers Allow Poop to Drop in Food Dishes?
Why do pet bird keepers allow poop to drop in food dishes?

Why Do Pet Bird Keepers Allow Poop to Drop in Food Dishes?

Marla S. Relates

Hi, your toys, treats, and perch setup is nice. Not overcrowded and laid out nicely. One comment though. 

As a Lovebird Mom for over nine years now It baffles me to this day to see other bird parents place their bird’s open food and water dishes on the cage floor! 

This is in the direct path of the bird’s droppings!

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Best Practices For How to Protect Your Bird This 4th of July

Best Practices For How to Protect Your Bird This 4th of July

You certainly need no reminder we are in the midst of a long holiday starting on Thursday (2024) the day we celebrate by shooting dangerous explosive devices 200 feet into the air and through the weekend.

Much like the Weather Channel reminds you to put a blanket in your trunk every winter, we’re here to provide a refresher for Parrot Pyrotechnic Prophylactic Preparation (that one caused a brain cramp 🙂

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Can I Leave an African Grey Outside the Cage & Go to Sleep?

He’s new to our family. I’m afraid to try to put him back in the cage, he may have unwanted reactions. The place is safe for him and closed, and he’s still in his cage now.

Catherine replied

Why are you making the assumption that your new parrot who came from a caged environment would have a problem with living in a caged environment in your home?


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