How I Fixed My Rescued Moluccan Cockatoo From Feather Plucking

When I took in a rescued Moluccan cockatoo he had 3 large sores and no feathers on his chest. 

We provided him with a 4’×4’×6′ aviary cage with bird lighting, an open window to allow filtered afternoon sun for him to sit in, toys in the 1/3 to 1/2 upper part of the cage, and lots of rope and solid perches. 


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Why Do Pet Bird Keepers Allow Poop to Drop in Food Dishes?
Why do pet bird keepers allow poop to drop in food dishes?

Why Do Pet Bird Keepers Allow Poop to Drop in Food Dishes?

Marla S. Relates

Hi, your toys, treats, and perch setup is nice. Not overcrowded and laid out nicely. One comment though. 

As a Lovebird Mom for over nine years now It baffles me to this day to see other bird parents place their bird’s open food and water dishes on the cage floor! 

This is in the direct path of the bird’s droppings!

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The Importance of Introducing Toys to Pet Birds Early On
The Importance of Introducing Toys to Pet Birds Early On

The Importance of Introducing Toys to Pet Birds Early On

Dear Catherine,

Omar and Milo are not playing with those wonderful toys.

I’m thinking that the breeder that turns the young budgies over to the animal shelter had probably never exposed them to toys before and they don’t know how to play.


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