Mickey And Her Senegals

Mickey And Her Senegals

Hi…I am a long-time friend of Nora…haven’t been able to contact her…so I am turning to you guys.

I will try to make a very long story short.

I adopted Kirby a 6-year-old Senegal, male, about 6 years ago. He is now about 15, not sure, don’t remember what year I got him…

Can’t get near him to read a band.

Anyway….he is a BEAST.


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How She Cared For Her African Greys Fractured Leg Bone

How She Cared For Her African Greys Fractured Leg Bone

Hi Mitch and Catherine,

Thanks again for an informative ‘Sunday Birdie Brunch’!

I would appreciate some guidance…

Due to my carelessness and haste a month ago, I scooped Hannah up as she was running down the hallway and dropped her by accident.

I saw the look on her face and her holding her leg and knew immediately she was injured.


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Help For A Green Cheek Conures Projectile Vomiting

Help For A Green Cheek Conures Projectile Vomiting

Mona S. writes

I recently had the experience of seeing my beloved Green Cheek Conure do what I would describe as projectile vomiting, which absolutely scared me to nearly to death.


I have owned birds for about 30 years or so and had never seen anything like this.


Actually, I was not even aware that birds could vomit at all, except for regurgitating to feed their young.


This looked like someone had turned on the faucet for a couple of seconds.


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My Budgies Beak Broke Off – Can I Fix It?

My Budgies Beak Broke Off – Can I Fix It?

Stevie Van Zandt requested your answer

I have a rescue budgie, the top of his beak was almost totally gone, just barely hanging. We have NO vet in my area and nobody specializes in birds. I removed what was hanging and she seems ok, I made a “mush” for her to eat. Will the beak grow back?


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Solving This Greys Feather Plucking With A New Nano Environment

Solving This Greys Feather Plucking With A New Nano Environment

Spoiler alert: This post and discussion illustrate how I reached my diagnosis:

Jan is plucking his feathers because his feet hurt.
He’s using his food dish to sleep.
This helps avoid pressure to the bottom of his feet  which he feels when they grip the smooth dowel rod perch.
That’s why he plucks in the sleeping cage – he wants the pain to ease.


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How Do I Treat Macaw Mites?

How Do I Treat Macaw Mites?


Are Mites Making Making My Macaw Miserable?


Hi Mitch,

Always look forward to your Sunday articles, thanks!


Madeleine is a (Blue & Gold Macaw) rescue from a home where she was malnourished, neglected, and abused.


I was able to negotiate relinquishment but it’s been a year of learning for me, we bonded and I decided to adopt her instead of fostering.


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Windy City Parrot Defines Small And Medium Size Species Of Pet Birds

Small species pet birds

Birds we classify as “Smaller” species 

FYI  There’s something like 100 species of Conures. Conures need to be subdivided into small, medium & large (which is on our to-do list)

Green cheek conures weigh 64 grams (cockatiels are about 100 grams – Patagonian conures weight about 280 grams, about the size of a Timneh African grey.

Don’t think for a minute conures can be classified into one size category

Large Canaries

Gibber Canary


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Is Using An Anti Psychotropic Drug A Good Feather Plucking Solution?

Is Using An Anti Psychotropic Drug A Good Feather Plucking Solution?

We are trying something different today.

This is a video interview with Dr. Jenkins, a board certified avian veterinarian.

The video is sponsored by Chloe Sanctuary, a well-known and highly regarded bird rescue.

The two major issues I have with Dr. Jenkins are


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