Is It Wrong to Trim a Baby Budgies Toe Nails?

Is It Wrong to Trim a Baby Budgies Toe Nails?

Is it wrong to trim a baby budgies toe nails?


If it is wrong, then why is it wrong to trim a baby budgies toe nails?


This is my answer to a question on Quora.


Editor’s note: Another answer about trimming a budgie’s toenails had advised against clipping their toes to avoid bloodshed.


By using a Rotary trimmer you can avoid cutting any birds nails to the quick by having total control in conjunction along with knowing proper restraint for small birds.


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Exercise Your Bird – Why and How – Videos

Exercise Your Bird – Why and How – Videos

We focus on bird and parrot nutrition a lot here because of the complexity of a bird’s anatomy.

Birds require far more energy than their ground-based counterparts.

Migratory birds fly at high altitudes where the air is thin.

You and I would require supplemental oxygen at those altitudes.


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What Is a Good Summary About How It Is to Own Parrots (Macaws Specifically)?
29715768 - set parrots and parakeets

What Is a Good Summary About How It Is to Own Parrots (Macaws Specifically)?

I don’t know that there’s enough storage space on the Quora servers to answer this.


I read that parrots are loud, noisy, and messy – a lot.

Then again so are children.

Let’s start with a top-level explanation.

Pet people in the disciple category will always react negatively towards the word own preferring instead to call it pet bird companionship.

In reality, birds are the most owned pets we can have.

We have to lock them up in a bird jail.


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We’ve Learned How Much We Know and Don’t Know About Captive Bird Care After Taking the Exam

We’ve Learned How Much We Know and Don’t Know About Captive Bird Care After Taking the Exam

Find the Birdy IQ exam here if you haven’t taken it

Of the first 170 exams we had a 25% pass with 75% correct answers to 44 multiple and true/false questions

Please share your comments below terms if you think this helped or did not.

What else would you like to see?

more questions and/or explanations to the answers.

Please comment below


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Find Out How Much You Know About Keeping Birds With This Exam – Even Earn a Certificate!

Find Out How Much You Know About Keeping Birds With This Exam – Even Earn a Certificate!

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What Is the Life Expectancy of a Parrot?

What Is the Life Expectancy of a Parrot?

There are no ways to predict the lifespan of any bird. The American Veterinarian Association says that 50% of all pet bird deaths are the result of malnutrition.

I was at a seminar where nationally known avian veterinarian Dr. Karen Becker spoke. She related a story of how an 80-year-old woman brought in a budgie for a wellness check.


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How Windy City Parrot Looks At Our Bird’s Holistically

How Windy City Parrot Looks At Our Bird’s Holistically

Pet food manufacturers as well as Internet “influencers” somehow associate the word “holistic” with “healthy” which indicates (to me) they clearly never read the definition of “holistic“.


ho·lis·tic – adjective


PHILOSOPHY – characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.


Thus from this point forward, you will go forth and snigger the next time someone tries to sell you holistic anything.


When you interact with us,


whether it be here, on our website, social media, email, or any other form of communication, we try to introduce you to holistic bird health as a way of succeeding with captive bird care – meaning: 


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How And Some Of The Why’s African Greys Molt Differently Than Other Parrots
An African Grey Parrot sitting on top of his cage preening his wing feathers.

How And Some Of The Why’s African Greys Molt Differently Than Other Parrots

Your African grey may have upwards of 8000 feathers. Feathers keep a bird warm, and dry and enable flight.

For a molt to occur, the old feather must be removed. Before molting begins blood vessels that support the feathers dry up so the attached feather becomes loosened by the surrounding tissue.


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