Bird Cage Bar Spacing & Perch Diameter
Parrot inside a wardrobe with the door destroyed

Bird Cage Bar Spacing & Perch Diameter

Windy City Parrot recommends
the following birdcage bar spacing and perch diameters.

Every website has recommended cage sizes. We can’t recommend what size cage to buy. We don’t know your needs. We don’t know how much room you have. We don’t know how much social time your bird experiences.

You may have many small birds you seek to house together. Our point? Choose the size cage that’s right for you and your bird. Just make sure the bar spacing is appropriate.


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Avian Respiratory System

Avian Respiratory System


Birds possess a very unique and efficient respiratory system. They lack a diaphragm, have non-expandable lungs and a system of air sacs that extend into many of their bones. Vocalization is by means of a syrinx, not a larynx as in mammals.

The nostrils or nares are usually located at the base of the beak. In psittacines (parrots) they are located within the area of the cere. Amazons have a structure known as an operculum inside the nare which helps prevent inhalation of foreign bodies. In most birds, the nares are readily visible, while in certain birds-such as crows-they are covered by feathers.


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What Is Wrought Iron? Why Are Bird Cages Made From It?
African Gray Parrot sits on cage and looks down. Playful and affectionate bird able to talk. loving and friendly social companion bird. stunning dusty-gray color and looks quite similar to a pigeon

What Is Wrought Iron? Why Are Bird Cages Made From It?

 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Wrought iron is a very pure form of commercial iron, having a very small carbon content. It is tough, malleable, ductile and can be easily welded. However, it is too soft to make blades and swords. When formed into bars, it is known as “bar iron”. Wrought iron has been used for thousands of years, and represents the “iron” that is referred to throughout history.


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Flight Suit Sizing

Flight Suit Sizing

Size Chart – 2 (by suit size)

Adults; Younger (less than 5 months old), immature or lean
birds MAY be better served by the next smaller size in each category.(PLEASE chose carefully, Flight Suits, Leashes, Harnesses are not accepted for return or exchange)
Petite – fits most Parrotlets, American Parakeets, Smaller Lovebirds and similar


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How Are Feral Parrots Surviving Feral Cat Genocide?

How Are Feral Parrots Surviving Feral Cat Genocide?

I’ll let this sink in – I call it “sanity” A follow up to:

Debunking the myth of feral cats devastating US songbird populations

3,700,000,000 birds (feral cats *by themselves* through simple math are killing an estimated 1.4-3.7 billion birds per year… )

(If you accept statistics with a plus or minus 110% statistical accuracy)


1 year = 8,760 hours = 422,374 birds being eaten by feral cats every hour 24/7

8,447 birds being eaten by a feral cat in each of the 50 states every hour 24/7


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Why Does My Bird Sccccrrrreammm?

A Conversation with Greg Glendell, UK Parrot Behaviorist: Part Two — Screaming

A few weeks ago we began our three part series about a telephone conversation I had with noted UK parrot behaviorist and author, Greg Glendell. Because we talked for about two hours, I found it best to break the highlights of our conversation into the three main topics: biting, screaming and plucking. Part One of the series covered biting. Today I’d like to summarize some of our discussion on parrot screaming.


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Total Cockatiel Personality Change After Death of Cage Mate – What Can Be Done?

Total Cockatiel Personality Change After Death of Cage Mate – What Can Be Done?

“Poor Popcorn”, it seems we say that a lot. She has such high expectations of us and when we cannot fulfill them for her, she lets us know, but unfortunately we can’t explain “why” in bird speak.

Since we have had her, she has gotten us well trained to serve her, she wants attention when she wants it and not most other times. BUT she does want people time every day.


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